The Diva Of The Wolves – Chapter 50

The subject Z assigned to the Bogarts is a young brunette who could be said to have been recently born. She observes with curiosity the house in which she will be living with the blondes while they are synchronized in thoughts to give the woman a name.

“Hope,” they murmur in unison without stopping to look at her. She turns to look at them with curiosity, since she thought it was funny to hear them say that word at the same time.

-Do you like it? —Halif questions.

“It’s fun when they talk at the same time,” she whispers shyly, Halif opens his mouth into an “O” and then smiles.

“I mean the name, Hope,” she clarifies.

-What does it mean?

—For us it is a promise, it means, Hope… hope to love again, —this time it is Hamit who speaks.

Hope doesn’t really understand what she means by loving again and in reality she doesn’t understand anything that happens around her, she just feels a little afraid of those men who are the same and who emanate a very pleasant smell.

The Bogarts show her the house and the room where she will stay, they do not intend to get away from her and, therefore, they will sleep next to her for her safety more than anything, they do not know how they should behave with Hope and the idea of ​​going with someone What they know appears in their head to teach them what they should do to make the girl trust them.

In a boys’ house, a woman does not always find clothes that fit her and even less so when it comes to the Bogarts, they decided to dress her in a shirt and short-waisted pants that they had to hold as tight as possible so that she fit.

“Hope, for safety reasons we’ll sleep with you,” Halif comments. She doesn’t take much importance in sleeping with them and only climbs into bed, staying in the middle.

Boys usually sleep in boxers and nothing prevents them from doing it that way, they lie down next to her and immediately the heat of her body makes her feel more comfortable, Hope closes her eyes and it doesn’t take long to fall asleep.

“I don’t like the idea of ​​going with Venador, especially after what he did to us,” Hamit murmurs as his gaze goes to the ceiling.

“I can go alone,” he states as he watches Hope’s face.

“Well, I’ll stay with Hope,” the younger blonde simply nods, it wouldn’t be good for them to go to Venador’s territory and for her scent to be hateful.


Hope wakes up alone, since each blonde Bogart has things to do, Halif went to Venador’s house while the oldest does his usual exercise routine, there is nothing interesting that he can distract his mind with.

At the end of her routine she goes to the bathroom in her room. Hope, on the other hand, gets out of bed confused and her body is hot, she undresses without any shame and follows the sound of the water falling, she just wants to calm the heat of her fur.

He stops when he sees the man with his eyes closed while holding his member. Hamit moves his hand quickly trying to finish. He inhales deeply and frowns when he catches Hope’s smell, so when he opens his eyes he sees her in front of the door. to the shower.

-What are you doing here? —She questions with a hoarse voice.

“I… I… I’m very hot,” she whispers, lowering her head. Hamit can’t help but travel over the brunette’s body and curses internally for wanting her right now.

“There’s a shower in the room you were in,” he announces.

“I don’t know how to use it, Halif was the one who helped me,” she murmurs, intertwining her fingers nervously. Hamit can’t help but raise his eyebrows in surprise, since his equal told him that she took a shower alone. “He’s a liar,” he thinks.

—What exactly did he do?

“It was good, he helped me wash my body,” the blonde growls at her, startling her.

“Come in,” he steps aside, Hope is a little afraid of Hamit so she enters the shower.

The blonde grabs her waist and hugs her to his body, Hamit doesn’t think and just k****s her, Hope remains still without knowing what to do and he growls at her and then bites her lower l*p hard causing her to m**n in pain.

“It hurts,” she gasps, Hamit slides his hands to her butt and picks her up, the blonde lowers his lips to her neck and nibbles on everything in his path. “Stop, please,” he doesn’t like what’s happening, however, he they do not listen.

Hamit is out of control, he takes her c**k and penetrates her, Hope lets out a scream from the pain it causes her and that brings him back to reality, she cries with her face buried in the older man’s shoulder.

“Shit,” he says in terror, he moves to leave and she whimpers so he remains still. “Hope, I’m sorry, forgive me,” he whispers.

—Why are you doing that to me? —She questions in the middle of a sob.

“I didn’t want to make you older, forgive me,” he doesn’t understand what has happened to him, he has let herself be carried away by her instincts. Hope sobs and what Hamit doesn’t understand is that the girl’s hormones are causing him to lose control.

He brings her hand to her union and absorbs her pain, he caresses her back trying to comfort her, he feels very bad for what she has done.

»I’m so sorry, Hope.

She lets out a sigh when all the pain subsides and she only feels a pleasant sensation.

“It doesn’t hurt anymore,” she murmurs, Hope, she doesn’t understand what the blonde man is doing.

Hamit pulls out of her and then leaves her on the floor.

“I’ll leave you to take a shower,” he whispers, he doesn’t know what else to do to apologize for what he just did to him, he feels confused, Hamit turns to leave, however, Hope takes his arm.

“Don’t leave me alone,” she asks him and although she is afraid of him, she feels protected when she has him next to her.

—Why don’t you hate me for what I did? “He,” she questions in confusion, “Almost took you by force and hurt you,” she whispers.

“I feel protected when you or Halif are by my side, I don’t know anyone else,” she tells him, Hamit sighs and she stops holding her arm.

“I hurt you,” she reminds him.

—Did you want to hurt me? —She questions.

-No! —She blurts out with alteration—I never wanted to hurt you, —she clarifies.

—Then… don’t leave me alone.


His hand goes to the wooden door and he lets his knuckles go against it and then waits for it to be opened. Venador is the one who opens it and frowns when he sees him standing there.

-What are you doing here? “He” he questions suspiciously.

“I don’t come looking for conflict, you shouldn’t see me as a threat,” he clarifies, however, that doesn’t help the hunter stop looking defensive. “We have a subject Z at home… and we don’t understand much about them.” “I would like you to help me understand it,” he asks.

—Why should I help you? —She crosses her arm while he fixes his blue eyes on hers, just like him.

“Look, you don’t have to help us, however, we are starting a pack here and the meaning of that word is union… sorry for the inconvenience,” he turns to leave.

“Wait,” he says, “I never said I wouldn’t help you,” Halif turns to look at him. “Come in,” he steps aside to let him enter his cabin.

The blonde enters and the hunter tells him where to sit.

“What do you want to know? —He questions.

—What should we do to make him trust us?

“They are fearful and even more so when they are next to someone dominant… they have to give him the feeling that he is safe and that they have no reason to fear,” he announces, Venador has learned a lot about his puppy now that he can love Without restrictions.

»Z subjects will always want to be by your side when they feel safe, they don’t like to be alone and you should keep in mind that they can get out of control, since they will never tell you that they want to have s*x with you,” the blonde looks at him with confusion.


—Because they are not dominant, they only feel hot, their hormones are out of control and if their heat is not appeased they will suffer a lot of pain, —she informs.

—How many times does that happen to you?

Venador smiles sideways.

“More than you can count, they will always want to be pleased and that is why they were created… subduing the dominant with s*x is their purpose,” he clarifies.

—Are they also infertile like us?

“No,” he murmurs, “They are fertile, we can’t get them pregnant and that’s why they created it that way,” the blonde lets out a sigh.

—Shouldn’t we feel guilty for his innocence? —He questions.

“Their innocence is part of their submission… they just want to be protected, pampered and sexually pleased,” she states. Halif thanks her for the information and returns home, he no longer feels so bad for having showered with her and having very thoughts. hot

When the blonde arrives home he finds everything silent, he goes to Hope’s room and finds Hamit next to him placing wet cloths on his forehead.

“You’re finally here,” he says with relief. “I don’t know what’s wrong with him, he looks fine, but his body is burning,” he announces. “Did he tell you anything about that?” —He questions.

Halif inhales deeply, feeling Hope’s scent increase, he growls low.

-What do you feel now? —He questions.

“A lot of concern,” he replies. “Stop being stupid and tell me what’s wrong,” he says.

“He needs us,” he simply tells her while taking off his polo shirt.


“She wants us to take her,” she clarifies, pulling down his pants along with her underwear.

-You’re crazy? “She questions.” “She looks sick,” she protests.

“Hamit, if we don’t take her now, she will start to feel a lot of pain,” the older blonde looks at him and then at her, Hope trembles and doesn’t understand what’s happening.

The blondes soon remove all the clothes from her body, Hope stirs and her heat increases, they growl at the incredible smell that emanates from the woman and Halif spreads k****s all over her body.

The younger blonde slides her fingers through her center and the moisture that accumulates there makes him purr. Hope receives Hamit’s lips who k****s her possessively. She feels small in the middle of the Bogarts.

He m***s when the younger’s tongue runs over that place that begins to hurt, he needs more and he shows it to the older one when he touches his c**k, caresses him and makes him grunt in his mouth, Hamit moves his h**s against his hand that holds him back.

The innocence of the dark-skinned woman is corrupted by both subjects, they do not stop touching her body and she screams at the moment of her o****m, Hamit is the one who lifts her onto her torso and then filled with her c**k.

“F**k,” she says at the heat around him.

She takes her hand to Hope’s center and absorbs the pain as her hand penetrates her, she trembles in the middle of them and it is inevitable to control the m***s that come out of her mouth, she becomes moist. more with every passing moment.

The Bogarts move wildly while grunting, Hope claws at Hamit’s torso and bites his shoulder, she cums again and they can’t help but climax.

“More,” she asks.


—Hell comes to you.

The Bogarts do not take begging and that day they lost count of the times they took her, Hope had no rest and only begged for more until all the heat in her body ended up fading and only moisture remained from the sweat of their bodies and by the fluids that came out at the moment of touching the peaks of their o*****s.

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