A Millionaire, His Suit And Poor Me – Part 51

The elevator to Henris’ apartment was silent, and we didn’t look at each other. After the car ride, I thought there couldn’t be any more tension between us, but being close together in a tiny space proved me wrong.

And of course, there was Henris. Henris, his eyebrows furrowed and his cold gaze unchanged when the elevator suddenly stopped, his lips in a tight line. Henris, whose face was devoid of any emotion except tension, placed a hand on my back and guided me toward the elevator exit.

Everything was silent except for the constant ticking of my Louboutins and Henri’s leather Chelsea boots that jingled with my footsteps along the marble hallways, echoes lining the empty rooms decorated with modern paintings.

s large, modern apartment, like a stack of newspapers, a pen, or a luxury jacket on the couch. But at that moment, it just seemed empty.

ons because Henris seemed to be snapping his fingers every second, fingers clutching his phone and shoulders firm under his stiff black jacket. So I foll

,” Henris said in a low voice, and it was so sudden, so unexpected in this silent s

ther from nervousness, I wasn’t sure I could protest. So I plop

ses of burgundy red wine in one of his enormous hands. Dry, shy fingers brushed mine as he handed me the glass with a small

ed, settling elegantly on the couch next to me, cool and beautiful as a piece of modern art with “do not touch” warnings practically flashing


h, and Nia says it relaxes every situation or whatever, and he insists on drinking it every time we go out,” Henris explai

ht have been acceptable if it hadn’t been for two things. First, Henris was able to talk about another human being w

 I aske

to lunch.” A pause, as he adjusted his sleeve. “Or dinner. Both, actually.” Another pause, and Henris let out another annoyed grunt before sliding his jacket off his shoulders. “I hired an assistant.”

and drank. And he hired assistants.

exposed inch of skin. “Nia convinced me. And I talked to Malik, since we have a full investment now, and he said the deal is done. Everything will be

. It will be normal.”

ine. “It’s… you want…

one pillow beside me. “Yes ?”


the atmosphere around us has cooled in the blink of an eye. “Yo

like a sweet little puppy that’s better to have as a frien

me, right?” He repli

on’t know. That’s not what I’m trying to say. It’s just there’s this Kimye cover and it’s literally just… Like. I

is thumb over the scar on my skin. I couldn’t see his face, but it didn’t matter because his hands moved again, this time gently nuzzling against my skin.

ace. “I know. I should h

hould have.”

ired every employee in

xpect to come out of his mouth, I would be reduced to a stuttering nervous ball about

searching mine. “I’m going to do this right.

aid it. We’ve already said that.”

Let me finish.


tinues talking. I really wanted it to be enough, but all I saw was Henris walking away after promising to try. I saw myself skipping dinner and the apologies sent by waves of Flowers

tant. Hate versus love, over and over again, until one of us asked too much or too little. “How?” I repeated, silently cursing mysel

er done that with anyone. And now , I’m sitting here about to beg you, Noras. For God’s sake, I got drunk at a business meeting and hired an a*s

d, we can be together. It will be norm

le answers to that, but the words got stuck in my throat and all I could do was let out an inelegant cough and say, “I don’t deserve this,” Henris said in a low voice

some reason, every annoying thing you said has been burned into my mind, and you’ve made me a be


ting. “You are unfair.”

his grip on her knees. “We need

ne glass , as if a cold drink could suddenly appear. He just sat there, calm and collected, waiting for my response as he lifted a

g that when I thought anything might when

you don’t want to take it, Noras.” He stopped abruptly and glared at me. “And it’s tight in my chest

. “I know. I know… Just t

er person? So stay with me, Noras. Nia said I need to stop bullshit, and he’s right. You are right. You all

e like I had

?” He snapped his fingers, his voice collected for the first time all evening. ” That I was too focused to realize that I’m so much yours that I can’t f*****g sleep without you,

s I want to control, you’re the only one I

nd damn, Henris was nervous… “And I want to be yours again.” If you want to take me back, I’ll be yours.”

o much to handle. Before Henris became too much

every word that

need to go home now, I whispered.


u tomorrow,” I mumbled, hair falling in my face. “When you

ll respond to

s not a good idea.”

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