Alpha’s Hybrid Cinderella – Chapter 15

I sat on the curb, desperately willing away the last traces of alcohol lingering in my system. Please, I thought. Don’t let this be happening.

But prayers or no prayers, it was what it was. I watched helplessly as Leon — who turned out to be the brown wolf who came first — pulled away the half-crying, half-fighting Raf without a goodbye, no doubt to take her home. The last thing I heard of his thoughts before he left the range of my mind-reading was a cursing complaint about how the two of us could be so reckless as to get targeted by a band of creeps.

I wanted to shout at his back that maybe if he hadn’t gotten into a fight with Raf, she wouldn’t have felt the need to do this at all. But that wasn’t fair. I didn’t know the whole story. But what would be completely justified was telling him off for blaming Raf when a woman should have every right to expect men to be decent and not try to r**e her on the street just because they could.

eir disgusting move.

nyway. As they disappeared, Raf put her head on Leon’s shoulder, and he leaned on her as well.


h thankful they were safe.

hey had fought.

lso come.

as he here for?

ll tipsy, but to hell with it. I was never stupid enough to spit all my thoughts out without caution. Tonight, I wanted that luxury. I wanted to be stupid. “Alpha Evan! Aren’t you always busy? You should go home and take care of your business.”

I wasn’t done talking, either.

nt sometimes, do you know that? It’s not cool. It detracts fr-from…” I shook my head and tried again, but the words left me. Damn it. I’d use smaller words this time. “It’s not cool, Alpha. Not cool at all. So cocky.”

h me. Right now.”

clothes in your car,” I giggled. “Did you know you were going to en

I retched once, then doubled over and did it again over the curb. Nothing came out, but my stomach seized over and over again as it fought to reject the alcohol. It went on several more times before my body gave up and let me slump over, but it wa

r stomach at all to even throw up, do you?”

to get out of his car, just to make sure. My heart swelled.

n’t allowed to do that. He shouldn’t be treating me so gently, a

after a moment.

w if I was dying, truly.

He effortlessly pulled me to his car several meters away and parked me on the passenger seat. After rummaging

uckled me into my seat, I was clearheaded enough to reme

t is it.”

t it.”

en what ab


e right.”


like trash!

eat and eased onto the road, glancing at me every so often.

f which I wanted to admit as I counted the neon lights we passed one after the other.

hed at my stomach. Evan must have noticed.

son, Claudia. Move closer to your window. I’m going to open it for you.”

e up. For grabbing me…”

least. It was a miracle he could understand me at all.

he bar is going to make sure in particular they never serve you again.”

enty of younger university students as well as high school students too. But it was just my luck to be unable to hold my liquor even a tenth as well as they could. Rotten.

you were drunk too,” I muttered. “That first night I walked into your room. You were… so drunk. Your

ned if I hadn’t shown up in time? A minute later would have been too late. They would have hurt you already.”

e freedom I’d dreamed so ardently of, the freedom I prized so greatly now that I possessed it.

as changing the subject to the thing I had wanted to talk about for too long now, and I could no longer keep sil

this. You know you shouldn’t be. So just stop

nderstood exactly what I was saying. Maybe he understood, and he was sighing because I was such an irritant that he couldn’t stand it. Why couldn’t I read his thoughts all of a sudden? Why was that veil coming over his mind again, confusing me with its blurred darkness?


I was saying anymore. I didn’t care. “Alpha. Alpha Evan.”

the door, Evan turned to face me.

for it…

so bright in the moonlight, drawing me closer. Closer.


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