Alpha’s Hybrid Cinderella – Chapter 41

My Herbology courses were supposed to be more challenging than my general education courses or my electives, but I was so confident in them that I scheduled my final exams for them the first chance I had, the earliest time on the earliest day possible. My lab course, thankfully, didn’t have an exam at all but rather a final experiment that made up thirty percent of my grade. With preparation, I breezed through them all.

My last two exams, I saved for Wednesday. That was the day Evan was supposed to leave, and I wanted to occupy myself as much as possible so I wouldn’t be so miserable missing him. If I exhausted myself and went straight to bed, I wouldn’t feel so desolate until the next day.

Too bad Rafael had gone the opposite route and scheduled all her exams for the last possible slots to give herself more time to study. Her courses in particular already had the latest slots overall out of all the classes, so that meant she would be on her exam schedule a full week and a half after I finished mine. I would just have to entertain myself until then. Leon had picked up extra shifts at work to prepare for holiday partying, so I couldn’t ask him for his company either.

had forced me to go to sleep at last despite all my protests when I was unwell… and while I wouldn’t mind seeing that aggressive, coarse side of him again, so much more dominant than normal, I didn’t know if I could handle it so soon.

, so much to Evan I looked forward to learning about. Even all the sides of him when it came to lovemaking…

for my first exam of the day at eight. I had my second and last one at noon, and then I was home free for winter recess.

at least several days. I slumped over my desk when I got inside, drained suddenly.

s before the timer started. And also, I wasn’t ashamed to admit, because I’d been waiting for Raf’s text. I needed the pick-me-up this morning more than most.

ood luck my Claudiaaaaaa, text me when you’re done! I’ll buy you a comfor

say no to pizza. My last exam is only supposed to take two hours at most

about final-flunking comfort. You’ll ace it without breaking a sweat. I already know you’re all broken up about your boyfran.

a threat, not encouragement…


I would be lonely with Evan gone, but maybe I would crash at their place. Or I could invite them both to the little house I’d decided to keep, since Evan had supported my decision as long as I promised never to run away again…

sheet before I rubbed a hole right out of it. I should have studied a little harder, but lessons learned.

meal plan. He and I exchanged a quick smile while Raf and Leon fawned over his gifts. We were on good terms still, just as friendly as we had been before when I told him the truth about my feelings for Evan.


g to be a somber drive home, but the one-hour lunch date with everyone had lifted my spirits enough that I could bear it. Even so, I paused outside my car to text Evan.

Just as I tapped his name, it filled up my screen


to drive home.”

ck you up. Someone will get your car and take it home.”



you left in charge of Dark Moon.” After he deposed the old Alpha and everyone else, a small voice inside me added, but I made sure to keep that quiet. I wasn’t ready to confront what he had done to them, not yet. Maybe after the ‘honeymoon phase’ dissolved… I hoped not for a lo

e of the neighboring packs. This morning, Osborn went missing.”


ations begin.”

ing, right? How can there be no demands?”

to remain here in my stead and accept any communication that might come. I’m going to head directly to Dark Moon, personally. I want you to come with me.”

do to help.”

car, don’t move unless someone starts coming for you. Are there people around who can see you?”

Yes, a

m to stay away. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

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