Alpha’s Hybrid Cinderella – Chapter 48

The funeral was two days later. Between the high tensions running rampant and the increasing security going up all over Medea City, the sooner we had Osborn’s funeral, the better.

Peelle had expected Evan to be freshly reminded of his rage and go wild again, but I chose my opportunity with care. Still pleasantly sleepy from the effects of the banshee weed tea but refreshed from a good night’s rest, the next morning was the best time for me to deliver the news to Evan that we were going ahead with the final arrangements.

Osborn deserved better than to be sitting on a medical examiner’s table to be checked again and again at Evan’s behest. There was no more to find in him, no more clues, no more trails to track down and follow. He had done all the work he could in life as well as in death, and now it was time to put him to rest.

aped face that could charm anyone. She looked like she could make friends with anyone at the drop of a hat.

smiles and sparkling laughs. There were no introductions, no friend-making, nothing. Only speeches, somber faces, and the sobbing of Osborn’s mother as the men lowered the coffin into the ground.

where she was anymore by the end of the funeral. Someone had to take h

know what was going on, but she called one of the Deltas here anyway and asked them to check on the situation. She’s the reason we even put on the search so soon in the first place… but it was already too late.”

” I asked, horrified. “When he was killed?

yeah. That’s what a mate bond does. Your connection makes you more than you are.”

is gaze. I knew why. He was reminded of Evan… and of Evan’s quest to find his fated mate. Had Evan explained to him exactly about our situation? Our new relationship?

rrific storm now that to bring it up felt ridiculous and petty. A m

fter Peelle’s warning last night and Evan’s frantically protective behavior, that would undoubtedly only put me in even more danger than before.

ed away. Peelle’s face fell.

hook his he

g a possibility. Soon, we’ll get our man.”

about to go wild here in front of an audience.

would figure out our next step…

y disappeared, driven off before her confusion could morph into a breakdown.

ars waiting by the curb.

one’s condolence gifts, however, which meant I was left with them in my hand, still fresh, still faintly aromatic…

way from home. Someone had taken him away from his mate, his mother and father, all of his comrades and friends. Someone evil.

when it was about someone else, I couldn’t bring myself to do that.


arm and pulled me away.


ing to be.”

u forget about the other half.”

owered. “Who do you think you’re talking to? You think I’ll forget something like this?”

what was going on. Even if she could use her strange mind-reading powers on him later, to have her present while he raged and cursed made him feel dirty, almost evil. Even though he was only getting back at

s face tightened. “So you can know where to find them…?”

ses me, their kids will pay the price.”

ently. This was also why he hadn’t wanted Claudia here. Not only because of the shame, because Claudia had softened him. Peelle liked that because he had always believed Evan was too heavy-handed, and had simply been too loyal until

o his voice. “Do as I say.”

d away, leaving Evan in the living room alone.

it meant to cross Alpha Evan of the Scarlet pack, innocent or guilty. He would make everyone pay until they coughed up the one responsible.

That was the way he’d always done things. That was

ck upstairs.

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