Alpha’s Hybrid Cinderella – Chapter 66

“Wait for me in our room next time.”

“How can I? Evan, look!” I beamed at him as I dried off my hands with a brown paper towel, courtesy of the helpful lab assistant who had been tending to me devotedly for the past hour. “These plants, do you see them?”

Evan leaned over my shoulder. He carried the acrid scent of fire, and his clothes were rumpled. He must have thrown on whatever he could find in the dresser right after arriving in our room to find me gone, and he had come here straightaway instead of washing up. But he was worried for nothing. This was cause for excitement! As Professor Ornby had said, almost a miracle, though I wasn’t so full of myself that I would really call it one.

So he’s running some basic experiments with all of our banshee weed supply to see if–“

nearthed a long-lost genetic advantage, previously hidden in her! Claudia, you were previously from another pack, weren’t you? Who were your parents? We must begin a genealogical study immediately!”

tended arm. “Explain,” he said simply. “From the start. But

res and a few more complex tests I’d like to run, but our initial findings are undeniable. Physical contact with Claudia causes plant life to grow exponentially. Exponentially! Dormant seeds that have been in storage for

source. You are truly irreplaceable!”

f his nose.

ramifications and need to take special care until we are sure this is safe, the truth is that the mere existence of Claudia’s ability has already changed our world. Imagine what this will mean for all the medical research we carry out that are limited by how slowly we grow our resources! Herbs and other medicinal plants, and although it’s too early to put it to widespread use now, later on if there ever is a shortage of

uring the city.”

ld protest.

en Joseph out in the lobby, has he been waiting there all this time?”

aten dinner.”


an civil, even friendly toward Evan despite their already-lukewarm relationship having chilled ever since that party when Evan had stolen me as his partner. At a



ating to mine, I forgot all about the dropping temperature.

“You don’t like it when I hang out with Ken,” I said. “It bot

arder out over the creek. “Give me time. It’s not easy.”

ou time

. You’re your own person.”

k Moon.”

I shifted my weight between my feet, uncertain what to say.

about what I did to them. You didn’t approve of the execution.”

till do

ng, was wrong, and will always be wrong, Evan. I don’t want to argue and fight, but this isn’t just about different perspectives. This is about what’s right and wrong, and how you see yourself compared to other people. You have so much power that when you snap your fingers, you decide who lives or dies. Should anyone have that kind of power?”

acks, haven’t you? And not just to stop looking for your mate. You put an end to it because that’s not the kind of lif

his face in my gloved hands.

. You’ll do something you can’t take back, or worse, others will see you and do the same thing, and it’ll spread like a disease. That’s not the world we want to live in, Evan. I know it isn’t.”


And I see it. So let’s keep trying.”

rest of our lives.

d turned upside down.

omeone banged on our door, and Evan


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