Alpha’s Hybrid Cinderella – Chapter 8

The next day, the clear weather helped pull me out of my simmering anger. I had more chemistry today, but the three hour botany course was what my mind dwelled on instead. Nothing to get excited about with chemistry anyway — I’d never been good at the math half of it.

Raf and Leon waited to have lunch with me even though they must surely have been hungry, and I gratefully joined them and heard out their new gossip for the day. Something about Ken Joseph again — he was hosting a student lecture in the business school that Leon was raring to attend. Raf was joining him purely for the ‘scenery’ but he didn’t seem to mind even that. When they both invited me as well, I didn’t have the heart to turn it down even though that was far from my major or interests.

So here I was, sitting in one of the grand lecture halls of the business school. We were sitting in the front row since Raf had insisted on going forty-five minutes early expressly to get the best seats for ‘viewing,’ and now I understood her description of Ken’s good looks were no exaggeration.

so many to him.

to my chair, stomach fluttering, and smiled back.

ior classes. But even so, I found myself enraptured clear to the end.

rament to go jumping from girl to girl. It just didn’t make sense. He reeked of loyalty and a good nature…

e ended, I was so starry-eyed that I didn’t notice him leaving the podium to walk toward us. Raf had to stifle a delighted scream while Leon grinned, himself taken by Ken’s pure charisma.

ecture wasn’t clear enough. If you have any questions, please, have at me.”

round to make sure, but there was no mistaking it.

e extended a hand. “I’m Ken Joseph. May I know your name?”

d than pick it up.

floating on cloud nine.

latedly occurred to me that I was too captivated to

to meet you, Miss Claudia.”


uch gossip she could generate from this incident.

be so heartbroken when nothing came of this.

so Ken volunteered to walk me to my car to keep me company. I couldn’t find it in myself to decline, and we headed to the parking lot, deeply engrossed in conversation. It was so easy to talk to him even though we seemingly had no shared interests. He was such a good listener that it was easy to forget.

tomach like it did when I was with Raf and Leon.

When we reached my car, someone was waiting for me.




ing me to my car.


. “Claudia can give you an answer.”


when I heard his thought did I realize what must have happened. Evan… Had he been listening to me yesterday after all? Had he come to get me because I’d mentioned having tro

’d already known I couldn’t accept the invitation — I had early classes tomorrow and plenty of homework to do. Even before Evan had showed his displeasure, I had already expressed my doubt I could leave with Ken.

inded him. “I really can’t come tonight.”

on’t think Alpha Evan would be opposed.”

she’s not his mate or anything

n’s mate like everyone else thought. But Ken’s mind was as clear as day. He knew the truth.

od night, Claudia. I’ll see you soon.”



” I asked.

of time. I thought you were h

n a foul mood now.

r all?

ing home? I do have a lot of work to do.”

e think I came because I was bored?

ad meant! I had simply been trying to make conversation. In hindsight, now I could see that my question might have sounded bratty, as if I were insulting him or implying he had nothing better to do that come fetch me. But I’d only meant it as a positive comment, that he must have less on his plate to handle if he could take the time to come

s just to drive me. Was he leaving his car behind in the parking lot just to take me home?

at him, reading his expression since his thoughts were still in turmoil. He caught my glan

Leon is in business school.”

is forgiveness for that. But even still… “Leon mentioned that Ken was hosting a student lecture in the business building, and since and Raf were going together, they invited me along.”

round. I don’t think you’re a good match for him.”


Well, I didn’t need to hear that to know it. Raf had made it clear what Ken Joseph’s reputation was like, and just because he had charmed at first didn’t mean I was falling all over him. I

van had said what he did. He thought Ken wasn’t a good match for me — but that implied someone might be.

al life, a full one, and maybe find someone I liked…

heart newly settled. “Literally today. I’m not that fast, believe me.”

m? To dinner?”



doing. Especially one that lives with me.”

, I might have missed it.

tive,” he said when I didn’t resp



e incident. What was it?

had given me so much.

tractive too. More attractive, apparently, to most.” I didn’t dare look at him. It was mortifying to compliment him even if the rumors were of what other people said, not of my own opinion.

ush me over that line, too.

epeated. “Do you agree with them?”

hinking, asking me that! Did he not realize how embarrassing it was to be asked a question like that practically face-to-face? And worse, to have to give him an answer. I was going to melt right through the car and splat onto the aspha


n who could objectively disagree. It is what it is.”

f a little too hard. But really, asking me that…

s first time meeting Ken and they had some kind of history that made Evan dislike him. But what was it?

es Claudia.)

smugness in his thoughts. I wanted to bur

ned to look at him.


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