Bullied Mate Of The Lycan Kings – Chapter 85

Ren’s POV

I sighed as I laid Aiden down on the king size bed in his gigantic room.

Growing up thick as thieves, Aiden had had it in his head that his home was meant to be a home away from home for both Zac and I. Because of that, he made sure he catered to the various aspects of our hobbies and passion.

alcove near the window, with a plush armchair and a small side table topped with a brass reading lamp.

te spirits and expensive wine and a living room area complete with a play station set and flat screen tv.

ed to sit and draw at night and a small recording studio complete with a baby piano, acoustic guitar and noise cancelling headphones in a corner of the room where Zac worked on his songs.

ght that he’d have done away with a lot of these things by now.

work, slowly unbinding t

ant for fabric and clothes and not the surgical, biodegradable one that was meant for body stitches.

He’s a working

d out a couple of items for Zac to help me find in

done so that I wouldn’t close up infection inside his body.

now that?” I mumbled as he reached out and took my hand, clasping it tightly in his while he mumbled incoherently in his fever indu

e living room area of his bedroom was slightly opened since we had just headed straight to his master bedroom through his favorite door and my nose caught unfamiliar scents that made my hackles

d one of them was even wearing the Gold crest uniform which meant that they were our schoolmates.

abandoned here.


or, he was not in the room and Aiden was in no frame of mind to answer the long list of questions I had about the boys that were tied in his room. .

s forehead, I realized that he was burning up again and quickly got to work. Deciding I couldn’t wa

nitely uncharted

even worse than it smelled and I frowned whe


spoke, his voice sounding hoarse and drowsy.

but twice, in her room. Her beautiful face, her flushed cheeks, hazel green eyes glazed with lust, her body wracking with pleasure and I felt my entire body spark with desire as I remembered her shy smile and big doe

less again and all I wanted to do was be r

didn’t hear me, aren’t you?” Aiden added

Lily is none of your business.”

aring at me with curiosity that spelled only trouble.

nth birthday is next week, do you know that?” He asked, his smirk going even wi

answered, quickly irritated and worried that Aiden seemed to know information about her which meant that he had searched for it. I hoped with everything in me that the only reason he was so fervent in getting every information about Lily stemmed

you at least once that her mate would be found and she’d accept him, leaving all your hard work to rot?”

lt like ash settling on my tongue as I realized bitterly that he was right.

e even though you are fine with rejecting your mat

was for Aiden to get to me and I growled.

who she has on her other arm.”

es widened perceptively before narrowing into a furious gaze. His voice was cold. Chilling. “What?!”

for her. I hope you got the answer you were looking for.”

he might have started a fight with me a long time ago.

just using you, right? She has never had anyon

e was using me. Now, be quiet and conserve wha

ld cut through ice and I knew he was about to give me a piece of his mind when Zac strolled into the bedroom, sipping what I was certain was blood from a slushy cup, probably from the supply Aiden kept fo


r against the wall, his movements languid and lazy as he shrugged.

y lost too much blood today and as for you…” pitch black eyes narrowed at mine. “If I feed on you, I might just drain all of your blood just to spite you for m

th an easy smile but the dead cold look in his eyes told me that he was definitely not joking and I felt apprehension fill my lungs because the last thing I needed w

he hated her before but… how did his feelings for her change?

looked pretty chummy when I had showed up at Lily’s home.

od, a wicked gleam in his eyes as he looked at the door at his bodyguards who entered the room, dragging along with them two burly men.


What is going on here?”

smirk as he cracked his knuckles and nec

st getting started.”

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