Bullied Mate Of The Lycan Kings – Chapter 99

Ren’s POV

How Zac was able to drive us to the edge of the forest in a calm state without losing his cool would forever be a mystery to me because the entire ride, my eyes were brimming with tears and my hands shook violently.

This was all my fault.

Should have known that despite my warning, Mauve would try to have her revenge. She had never been one to just sit down and accept whatever situation she found herself in and I had greatly underestimated her.

d with horror when I saw Aiden kneeling with Lily in his arms, her entire body unmoving.

d, his eyes were red and swollen and I shook my head.


wildly and when I tried to help Aiden carry Lily, he shook his head.

ot her.”

ut of time.

I was sitting in the back seat with Aiden, Lily’s legs draped over my thighs while Aiden held her body to his c

. Please do something. Please.”

the bite gash had already turned black and closed my eyes again for the tenth time since

er rushed out of me, but it changed nothing.

e skin corrosion was starting to spread everywhere.


om the front and I nodded even though he could not see me.


Aiden cry since the day they came to tell us that his parents had been murdered. Even on the day of their burial, when we ha

like a river, his entire body shaking with sobs as he kissed the back of he

g nothing but sorrow and guilt in his eyes as well as unflinching loyalty and love, there was no doubt that Lily had found her second half.

ve with Lily Beauregard and felt so helpless that my powers were doing absolutely nothing.

spital, it would be too late.

pped her on the stretcher and the medics wheeled her away, Lily’s mother took one look at her child’s decaying body and fell to her knees, her sobs nerve wracking.

her face too.

as she delivered the heart wrenching news to the rest.

at there may be nothing else that we can do.”

rming what I had suspected the entire car ride.

and professional.

hat our powers have not worked and will not work for her. The skin corrosion is alread

t for not being able to save my mate?!”

ith rage but she swallowed it up, understanding Aiden’s pain.

ot spoken the entire time said and everyone looked at him.

mething that no one had ever tried because werewolves and vampires were never in good relations but there was a myth that vampire blood could reverse and heal injuries and diseases. In the right doses it could accelerate the healing process, promote tissue regeneration and mend wounds that were considered humanly irreparable. I

dverse side effect known as “Vampirism,” causing them to transition into a vampire themselves. The chances that Lily would survive the transition and become like Zac who was a wolf before he was bitten and became s

n stop it.

nces. We defy the normal laws if we try this.”

ws, Ariel. Please save her. I’ll do anything.” Aiden begge

what it takes as long as I get to hold my daughter in my arms again.”

t backfire on us?

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