Dead Luna – Chapter 10

Amelia’s POV

I feel ready to get started matchmaking immediately, but I need to make a plan first, and Ambrosia agrees. Plus I have some loose ends to tie up in town.

Luna Leann shows me to a guest room where I can freshen up and relax until lunch. She also hands me a lovely navy dress and beige heels, and suggests i wear them to a special luncheon for all the Lunas, which I was invited to attend. Excellent! Ambrosia says in my head. Let’s get this party started!

urrounding forest.

ht but elegant meal by omegas wearing a crisp black uniform. The food was marvelous and I enjoyed it, but this meetings main purpose was to talk about pack issues, and that is a b

icks it in her mouth.

e like?”

ust nod. At first. Then I was describing the amazing library, or study I realized was the more accurate term

can call it that, is that Selene isn’t fond of answering direct questions, but I suspect that’s because she knows we can find work out the answers to most of those questions for ourselves.”


y in if there is one, and what sort of mate would best suit them. If I spend a few minutes longer, and I’ve also met their mate, I could tell them exactly who this person is and where they are from.”

room long enough, that I know that twin Lunas Candice of Satus Pass Pack and Luna Caroline of Gifford Pin

explain what I plan to do, and we draw up a schedule of when I will visit, starting with the

snap peas have grown cold while I was talking, but they were still tasty enough. Then an omega takes my empty plate away and replaces it with strawberry shortcake.

irects the omegas as they clean the room.

agrees. She gives a few more orders to the omegas, and then directs me to her office, where I take a seat on a lovely little beige and grey brocade settee. I complement her on the tasteful decor, which she o

so I don’t need any of your help!”

s since you might feel a little embarrassed.”

ago, but that was before he met you. Now the only woman he desires is his beautiful Luna.”

up or two on the way.”

own her cheeks. And then she gives me a hug.

o love my job!


ress and put on something you can do heavy lifting in first, though.

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