Dead Luna – Chapter 16

Alpha Craig’s POV

Amelia is perfect. Possibly even too perfect. Gorgeous, tall, strong, and sensible, with a sassy sexy wolf. And she doesn’t seem to be at all clingy, like the sort that won’t be understanding about the amount of work I put in to make this pack successful. She has all the qualities I need in a Luna, and I’ll soon know how the pack feels about her, not that I’m worried much about that. I’m sure if I love her, the pack will soon come around.

The ideas she has for improving the pack and preparing for the expected increase in our population are all good ones. And this upcoming mating ball will help us to create a stronger alliance among all the neighboring packs, which will be good for everyone involved. I’m excited for the future, even if Amelia ends up choosing another alpha.

look at. Not someone who empties the packs bank account buying luxuries nobody really needs.

and I introduce Amelia to my family.

on goddess to match up all the unmated wolves at a mating ball to be held in 2 months time. And if she likes it here, I will be her chosen mate. So let’s all make sure she feels welcome here!”

lia to my Dad, former Alpha Curtis and his former Beta Earnest and his mate Helen. Then there was my older sister Coleen, who is mated to my Delta “Tiny” Tim, my adorable 3 year old niece Chloe and 2 week old nephew Clark who was currently fast asleep in a snuggly. Th

bs, creamed peas and new potatoes, pickled beets, green salad with cherry tomatoes and shaved carrots, blackberry cobbler, and snickerdoodles. “We have only a few pack members here for housekeeping and kitchen duties, so everyone living here is expected to help out with minor chores. We clear our own dishes after meals, and do our own laundry. The pack house rooms are cleaned, as well as bed and bath linens changed out once a week. You can talk with the house keeper Marian if you have questions, concerns, or special requests. Calvin and Janice are the cooks, and they will also happily take your suggestions regarding meals or any dietary requirements you might have. We are all just one huge family here!”

I’m fine with that, and don’t take it too personally. They don’t know me, and everyone seems busy with their work.

’t think I’ve ever tasted such fantastic fried chicken in my life.

e two of them that I wasn’t really needed as a chaperone for a while. I was surprised when two single she wolves sat on either side of me.

d that’s Delta Tiny’s sister Elena.”

ve been wondering why he’s called Tiny Tim? He’s anything but tiny!”

oss from us along with his mate Coleen and children. He was m

family joke when it was obvious I was the biggest person in the whole pack. So now everyone calls me Tiny Tim, or just Tiny.”

th me. I don’t want to read too much into it, though. She could just be this friendly to everyone, I don’t know her well enough to be sure. Nor am I in a good place mentally right now for any so

at all with everyone helping.

office as soon as he had scraped his plate and added it to the sudsy water, but I was soon disabused of that notion. Apparently it was his night to dry dishes, but he had been gone for a couple days at the alpha meeting and had some important paperwork that needed to be done, therefore I was actually taking his place this evening when normally guests wouldn’t be required to help. And Amelia was more than happy to take Colleen’s place since she was busy nursing her infant son. Amelia was no novice to kitchen duty, after al

a foosball table. It wasn’t a grand recreation room like I’d seen in many packs, but it was obviously well loved. I peeked thru a door and saw a sparsely equipped gymnasium. I suppose farm work was often more than enough to keep the pack members in shape, as none of

the TV, amused to hear Earnest shout out the answers, and little Edison echoing the grown up and pretending he knew the answer all along.

a heading upstairs, a

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