Dead Luna – Chapter 63

Amelia’s POV

After breakfast the next morning, Alpha Joshua had a somewhat disturbing request of me. He was still holding the two rogues prisoner that had attacked me more than a month ago. He wanted to free up the space, as he only had a few prison cells.

Alpha Joshua led us along with his own officers down into the dark musty prison cells, and I stared at the two pathetic excuses for werewolves that were chained up in a tiny cell.

things to me, and when it looked as if I might be rescued, had stabbed me in the stomach with a machete, which had slowly drained all the life from my body. I had never felt so helpless and afraid in my life as when I was captured by them. I recall wishing them all to be blinded.

e. The prisoners look up, recognize me, and look worried.

d I walk to our vehicle on shaky legs. And then I left Green Mountain, and that old part of my life, forever.

rs pack, outside of Bend, Oregon. It was a very large pack, with over 1400 members, run by Alpha Lloyd and Luna Grace. Luna Grace I recall vaguely from the Luna Luncheon as one who enjoys gossip. I’ll have to tread carefully around her, not to drop any hint of my paternity if I don’t want that sort of news to spread like wildfire.

here since I would be seeing so many wolves. I would be seeing 20 wolves today since I didn’t arrive until the middle of the afternoon, 40 wolves tomorrow, and the remaining wolves on the day after that.

k causing a huge slump in tourism, but their pockets had been deep enough to weather it out, and now bookings were once again at an all time high.


as still excited about the Royal news, and was wondering out loud about the new Queen Luna.

em appropriately, since they are fated mates.”

ing convinced.

secret heir, but decide against it for now. I’m sure plenty of rumors will be popping up soon without my help. The last thing I need is to accidentally out myself, which could inadvertently affect

have in the future. Worrying about the future only takes away joy from today.

and all, but there might come a time when we need to be our own personal can of whoop-a*s! I laugh and assure Ambrosia that I hadn’t forgotten.

s quite a pleasant change. Before I know it, it’s nearly time to leave for the next pack I need to visit on this whirlwind tour.

k of another Luna Grace , who lives nearby.

on Peak from here?” I wonder out loud.

be driving right past there on our way to Satus Pass pack,” Jackson tells me. “We could stop

our entry onto the Iron Peak territory.

ception following the Luna ceremony. Then we didn’t stay long the next morning, since Alpha Jerome was eager to return to his own pack with me in tow.

n we drive up. They seem much more impressed with the vehicle I arrive in today than the previous car which had been an old beater from Silver Falls. And I must be dressed more appropriately as well, since neither of the former pack leaders were turning their noses up at me as they had done before.

ings in the room. Everyone else I can tell are just putting on the facade of being one big happy family.

t cut the tension in th


son until the mating ball, since he won’t need a Gamma before then.”

ly found his mate, did he not?”

sure our Queen Luna will not be in any danger while my duties lie elsewhere.”

d, and starting to wonder how long I must stay for politeness sake. I change the topic to the upcoming mating ball, and the venue.

ake our excuses and head back out on to the road to Satus Pass pack.

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