Dead Luna – Chapter 88-The End

Leo’s POV

I can’t believe Amelia could go into labor with our triplets any second now, and I’m sitting in this stupid diplomatic meeting learning about the flagging tourism industry in the packs along the coast of the Olympic peninsula. I just want to get back to my mate, the stress of being apart is causing me a lot of anxiety!

Thanks to the nature of our current situation, at least the King is allowing me to be in the meeting via the internet. But if he sees me get up out of my chair or leave my office for any reason, I know he will make sure I regret it. Not that I haven’t regretted this stupid oath he made me agree to every single day since it happened. It’s like I’m in prison for life, with no chance of parole. But Amelia does her best to make it seem worth it all. She is my rock, and I couldn’t be half the Alpha I am without her by my side.

ng me away from my mate at this time. He gave the whole kingdom a holiday to celebrate when his little Princess Isabelle was born a week ago. And then I hadn’t heard anything from him until this stupid

dn’t. It’s like sitting through that boring meeting a second time just for kicks. Amelia places her gigantic preggo belly between the computer monitor and myself and whines loudly, “Leo! You promised to rub my swollen feet!

ing to get our attention and then asks Amelia how she’s doing.

as your dad and I are done here, I’ll help to do whatever you need me to do to make it all better. I promise!”

ime he has been wasting. But I doubt it. “Why don’t you two run along and take care of my daugh


my stress and anxiety level goes up.

t. A minute later she seems perfectly fine.

resent to make sure nothing happens to his precious heir, hmm?”

out soon.” Amelia says, and now I’m the one needing the breathing technique. “But it’ll be fine. You and I are in this

ther contraction.

inutes, the exact area of my body involved is far more sensitive than any other area of my body, and once the birth is over, there will be other other things going on. So no, it’s really not like a first shift at all!!!

’t stop me from snapping at him when I was in pain and he’s telling me to push. I’ll push when I’m goo

would manage fine on our own.

h to these pups, thank you very much!” I snap, angrily. But one look at their faces and I realize Hannah had also been in this position recently, so I guess I know how she feels. “Fine,

kisses my forehead, and says, “You don’t

t entire area down there feel like it was on fire. I may have said a few things at that point that would be better off forgotten. And then baby number one was sliding out of my body and into the hands of the waiting doctor, covered in all kinds of gross stuff, his face turning red from screaming

first born son, and instantly fall in love with his feisty spirit, fists clenched and angry with this strange new world he was suddenly thr

Leo would insist on calling Lance, after the wolf he had lost due to my fathers bite. He wasn’t as loud as his brother or sister, but he stared at me in awe for a minute, before being taken away for cleaning and weighing, and whatever else it is that medical staff do to ensure a healthy pup.

ruckus out in the hall. Apparently my parents had arrived. Leo had been napping on the couch, but is on his feet instantly before the door opens. The other ba

My sister, Princess Isabelle.

Leo, who tells my father their names are Lance Johnathan and Lucille Selene.



bviously anxious to meet the child he had declared would be his heir, but I was having none of that while little Alex was busy eating.

pected news. “You did a great job of keeping that hush hush! I’m so proud of you, my girl.”

hing him to my father’s care.

nds and Lance’s 6.5 pounds. It’s no wonder I had grown to the size of a house with pups of that size in me!

ng the pup while describing to Leo all the future plans he has for the three of them, while I doze off, tired from my labors. And I dream about my own vision of what I want our lives to be like.

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