For Better And For Worse – Chapter 111

Krist’s home.

This morning, Stella calls Yves!

Yves: yes Stella!


tella, and you?

e now, please?

to but I can’t. I’m going to

an internship then?

Yves: yes.

tella: and what tim


by at this time?

la: thank you, h

angs up.

training, he finishes at noon and he’ll be


my internship.

ing out.

ire’s home.

his morning, Claire wakes up Séverin and asks him for expl

ou yesterday?

: Krist’s ghost to

what, are you delusional or something, ghosts c

took me to the cemetery and he disappeared.

laire: why

his wife because his soul cannot find peace.

to work today?

s matter. I have to shower.

his lawyer’s office.


ves a call from the modern laboratory doctor and she goes there to get the results of her husband’s tests. S

tor, here are the results of the exams.

ee, the illness is still in its early stages, your husband has a good chance

t’s all I hope for, doctor.

ctor: The treatment is v

doesn’t matter, doctor, I just want my husband to get healthy again.


e the doctors prepare a room and the necessary machines.

at the beginning so you have a good chance of getting through it.


it’ll be fine. It’s been three days sin

n’t worry, I took some time off. What is work compared to my husband’s heal

an the treatment cos

tor said it’s very expensive.

r: I’m almost out of m

e illness psychologically, and I’ll take care of everything.


st or the worst, I will be th


we need to bring him in now.

mence: ok

tment. Patient clemency.

o his lawyer’s office.

in: hello maste

n. Take place !

hank you master. We need to speed things up. The divorce must be finalized today.

ear from both of you today at 10 a.m.


u there!

He returns hom

eon’s home

re suspicious so he puts his trash in the trash bin and continues his way towards the guys who change direction. One saw him and noticed that it was Commander Léon.

s into the den of the wolf. It’s Commander L

’ll let it go. Let’s

ee and the commander begins to pursue them. They separate and he pursues one of them, leaving the other. He finally catches up with him and points his gun at him.

: what are you looking for in me

was just passing by.

am a commander and an investigator, I know how to re

plain everything to you. Someone gave us money to

Leon: who?

now him.

orneille in his phone?

this the man?

Yes, it’s

hat did he tell you


on: nex

will give us further instructions.

o to prison when I arrest him.

anti-drug squad.


eat and he sees a headline on the front page of a newspaper: DIRECTOR OF KOMER PRISON ARRESTED. Amazing ! He buys the newspaper and reads. He decides to go to the anti-drug squad for more information.


erself quite quickly and he takes her in his car to go to justice.

ti-drug squad.

m up. Boris joins him to chat.


my family.

ever lets tha

e: okay

go treatment. Patient clemency.

ing to do?

him once and for all.

s a good plan.


lle find themselve

ago, why?

y wife doesn’t love me at all. She hasn’t fulfilled any of her marital duties and obligations, I’m really tired of living under the same roof with a stranger who doesn’t make me food and who refuses to make love with me.

not bear this infidelity and this adultery so please pronounce this divorce so that we can put an end to it .

tegorically opposed to an attempt at reconciliati

th all our strength!

eason to continue the procedure. The divorce will be

not judge now


abelle home. She calls Stella to inform her.

d at the brigade and went inside. Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared

everyone stay frozen, who is it?

an, previously deceased.

ed like…



oris: Excellent question!





ris: it’s impossible that you’re here, are y

ot for a commander. You buried a charred body


w come you

thier’s collaborator in the prison.

he lied to us.

st. Let me talk to him for a moment.

Boris: OK.

phones in the room?


n listen to our reunion conversation.

llow me!

all near the door and an agent brings Hector. Boris brings him in, so Krist is behind him. He and Léon join the technique to s

ctor, surprise!

nd and gets scared.

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