For Better And For Worse – Chapter 117

Krist hadn’t planned this, he rather thought that his father-in-law was going to look down on him but from there, him asking for forgiveness completely turned him upside down. He felt compassion for him, which he normally wouldn’t. He goes out and lets the commanders in. His heart and his mind are fighting to be right. Several thoughts invade his head. His mind takes him from the beginning of this story to today.


Bruno: Isabelle, who is this young man?

ld you I was going to introduce him to you.

didn’t I tell you that I don’t want you to go out with a man other

but dad…

no: shut up


floor, get out of my house I say, get out and never set foot here again. Leave my daughter alone otherwise you will never be at peace all


ged you to attack me?

s Bruno who charged me with finding men to attack you.



ied my daughter without my consent; very good but know that I will make your life hell. I think I already told you that one day.




kill me three times, I want to know why?

d me to kill you.


BRUNO, your stepfather.


ly ask your forgiveness.


 You want to have peace of heart but you don’t deserve to have it.

the commanders.

oris: the honor

: no, the honor goes to you.

longs to me.

the handcuffs and a

nt but if you renounce it, anything you say could be used against you in court. You have the right to hire a lawyer. If you cannot afford one, a lawyer will be appointed to you. Bring it on.

it to Bori

ve me Krist, tell Isabelle that I’m sorry, I’m sor

ing gaze of his employees. The journalists present at the company intervene a

everything commander.

: no Krist, thank you.

e still two arrests to be made. I won’t let anyone who wronged me get away with it, especially if that person has wronged the

ple, who are they

rist: You’l

ll her that he needs her urgently at home then he returns home on his motor

Anti-drug squad

moment that Boris tells his agents that it is Gauthier. Incredible nonetheless. The journalists followed them


d he was very happy to see that his father visit

head held high despite all your trials, you are truly an exceptional son.

t from you dad.

lf and you far surpass me in everything. I’m proud of you.

st: tha

s wife, Stella, Krist’s parents and Florence. There is a knock on the door and Stella will open it. It was Master Célestin. He joins the group and Krist talks to them.

 My love and my mother-in-law, I will ask you to be strong. My love,

will never be able to forget. He said he would make your life hell if you didn’t leave me.

your father.

le: yes, I found you

I not receive visitors, who tried to kill me three times in prison, who had me sold to Mexico, was still your father .

Isabelle: wha

it was all Gauthie

e same person.

no, I can’t belie

ng to show it to you.

woke up and Isabelle started to cry.

o my father for him to destroy my life like this. Tell me if

ause she would surely go straight to perdition. Krist convinces her to go back inside but she is left alone. Krist goes to console his wife. Célestin chats with Stella.

ll me that Krist was back?


n: well

la: I’m s

ied, right?

old on like them. On the other hand, when you see certain couples, you don’t even want to get married.

ay that in any case, everyone should try to build their home in the most beautiful w

to hear that.

talks with

Krist: my love, I’m sorry but I still

abelle: what did you do with my father?

the drug squad.

ble to see the sun again in his entire life.

or forgiveness.

will never have it.


d Célestin joins Krist.

t, I’m glad you’re alive and that

u master.

n: I can’t even im

o be strong. My love, do you remember the words your father said to me the first day you introduced me?

akes us stronger” master. And all these tr


to go back to the brigade.

Célestin: ok, let me accompany you, just to chat a little.

kay, let’s go!

takes him in his car and they

m sure you’ve already said it several times but I would

ey helped me get home. It was he who taught me about Gauthier.

t. Besides, I imagine Stella told you about us?

me about it.

at you are back, I would like to p

t see any problem with it.


e goes to an interrogation room and his stepfather is brought to him. Boris and Célestin will listen in front of the screens.

rist: hello si

tell Isabelle?

too. She wonders why you didn’t love your daughter and she thinks that maybe your love was a lie and that Isabelle had arrived by accident. And that’s why you made him suffer so much.

o, my love for her

Krist: If one day she decides to visit y

all the harm I did to you.

really are sorry, I need you to help me.

no: what d

medical report and the judge to make him draw up a false judgment.

ort and I gave the sum of two million to judge Gérard so that he condemns you.


me where Doctor Romuald and Judge Gérard are.



have you gained from it now han? Nothing at all. On the contrary, you lost everything and now you are all alone. Thanks for your help.


t the rehab center and the judge is conducting a trial righ

u Marlène.



s sullying our country Commander.

oris: let

cuts it in two. He gives them to Boris who calls John.


s, Commander!

ad to the rehab center while Krist and the Commander go to c

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