For Better And For Worse – Chapter 125

Home of Ernestine.

Ernestine was sitting on the couch that night looking at her photos with Yves. Hervé comes discreetly to stand behind her to see too.

Hervé: I admit it’s not bad!

, that’s not good!

really drives you crazy han!

him so much that it surprise

es is calling.


incess was thinking of me.

hance, I was just looking at our photos.

oice reaches my ears, it tells me everything about you.


an extraordinary girl so

estine: what makes you think I’m extraordina

ll me how many girls th

nestine: how do you

m you? If my heart chose you, it’s because you are extraordinary, unlike the others.

ine: It’s good to hear that.

end’s dowry and wedding ceremony.

uld like to but you

ay you. And don’t worry, I will pray and he will give you this day. You just need to accept.

I accept my love.


g, kisses!

appy because she was admitted to a competition, won the lottery, got a promotion, received a gift…? No. True happiness, true peace… it is that of the heart, the fruit of sincere love.


l tips on how to manage her home and live happily there. Tips you will read at the end of the story if you stay until th

ed united, faithful and infallible. It’s enough to serve as an example for you…

ces… Stella: thank you for all your advice,

it into account.

s her before entering his office. Ernestine waits a few minutes and knocks on the door. Séverin tells him to come in.

in: Ernestine, what can I do for y

sk you a favor.

: go ahead, I

invited me so I would like to be there for her. I would like you to give me my day today.



y good, I’ll give you y

 Thanks again.

she immediately calls Yves to inform him.


soon as she arrives home, s


ike that?

stine: the boss gave me the day off, I could go to the ce


, you haven’t even seen

nice guy!

id you meet him?

s ago.




d you?

I came to get yo

do you know the boss would accept?



ht for his sweetheart.

: it’s for you darling. You can open it in your room,

t is it?


d discovers a magnificent blue dress accompanied by the right shoes without forgetting the earrings, a chain for her neck and a magnificent bracelet. She was going to explode. She quickly gets into this p

, how do you find

et up.


u are!

lutely stunning. Yves approaches

ing! You are truly splendid my love.

inestimable happiness that you give me.

s found happiness.

e rosier, thank you Yves.

utiful you are!

ender kiss.

powers conferred on me by the author, I declare you husba

what are you waiting for to get dressed, the t

de while I get dressed.

: he’s so funny!

oh yes!

y go to Krist’s house.

d that he had purchased a long time ago.


uester: if you have wis

most precious treasure, look around you, in this saddle and even everywhere you are; you see that there are many girls, but it is you that my heart has chosen because you

on his finger to the cries of joy of the faithful.

ost wonderful of men. You are my source of life Célestin, because it is from you that I came out. I can’t find enough words to tell you everything I feel, but I promise to express my love to you every day of my life, through the best and through the worst, I will be with you, and I will express my love for you don’t bother. I promise you submission, respect, love and loyalt

in this room and even wherever you are; you will see that there are many girls, but it is you that my heart has chosen because you are my other half, my true side. You are that part that makes me a complete man. Near you, I find a reason and the joy of living. You make my joy and my happiness every day. You are the most beautiful gift that has been given to me and I feel that with you by my side, no problem, no obstacle in life, will be difficult to overcome; with you, I can face anything. What a joy to find such a woman! This is why, all my life, I will love you not only with the heart and the mind but I will love you with all my soul and it is a part of me that only you and God have access to. I promise you love and loyalty and I promise to make you happy. In the best or the worst, my love for you will always remain intact and nothing can make it waver. I love you Stella, thank you for making me the happiest man on the planet. This ring is the symbol of all the love I have for you.

s the ring on her finger to the cries of j

all my life.

at God has joined together. You can kiss.

me to spend their wedding night. Krist and Isabelle were very happy with their wedding. It was a successful marriage. They wished them lots of happiness and lots of children.

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