Her Forever (Book 2)- Chapter 1

The Encounter


The click of my heels against the dull, New York concrete was quick and precise. The hours of practicing each night at home had finally paid off to the point where I could wear tall heels in public. The one thing I did not account for was the ever-present grates throughout the city. I watched the ground periodically for the ever-boding danger of a quick slip and fall to the ground. My phone began to ring annoyingly, distracting me from focusing on looming grates.

I looked at the number, only seeing I did not recognize the number. With a quick sigh, I opened the phone to click the accept button. “Good evening, this is Lee Pierce from After Hours Computer Care; how may I help you?” I said with the

om number, and I will head that way now. I should be there in 15 minutes.”

cut the call.

would be able to keep my promise to Amanda and join her at some point in the night and also earn a few bucks to help pay for the expensive taxi ride into the city.

topped in to drop off business cards at the concierge desk for them to recommend my services.

in under the radar and a smart kid earned the extra stares.

y was in his late 20’s but carried the aura of an old soul. He had said once he has worked here for years. It was only a year ago that I met him and took a liking to him immediately. He was the father figure I never had in some ways, always making sure to take care of me. The first night coming to the hotel, he was worried I was

am always sure to keep room doors open while present and keep my trusty mase with me.

e chided.

he side-eye. It was Jeremy’s job to get to know the hotel patrons. Often, they needed help with computers after hours and would always slip them my business card.

rried across every floor.

ustomer to answer the door.

n to show a very disheveled man in his mid-twenties. His hair was a dark brown, along with his eyes. The man was massive, standing at least 6 foot 5 with muscles through his body. There was a light stubble to his face, and his lips were in a


ed top of my class. I graduated very early from college, so of course by default I look young!” I squinted my eyes directly at him as he contemplated my words.

iate.” He spoke with skepticism as he folded his arms acros

ed while I was on my way.” I tightened my coat tighter around my body. “I usually have different attire,” speaking with conviction. “If you have questions about my intentions, you could speak with the hotel’s doorman or the manager. I could also leave and let you figure out your computer problem yourself.” I turned around, ready to walk back to the

towards the room.

nd lavish was just a tiny word to describe how it looked.

his frustration out on documents, small pens and pencils, and maybe a paperweight or two.

alie Pierce,” I spoke. One eyebrow raised in question, and I quickly added, “Sorry, I go by

. Lucky for him, I was able to hack into my computer at home using his laptop to use my own software to scan. I usually bring along my laptop to these


network that could get information,” he said quickly.

d they are trying to disguise it as a virus. I need your permission to be able to have access to your confidential files before I pursue this. I’ll be able to tell you what information they have as well as retrieve it and secure your network.” I said while typing on the laptop.

moment. “I need to know now, Keith. You and your

abbing a notebook and slung it at me.

” He said pointedly.

inued my assault on the keyboard while I felt eyes bare into

Linkin’ Park was my go to when dealing with an active hacker. Halfway through the battle, my phone began to buzz from my trench coat. Rolling my eyes and ripped the headset from my ears, and saw it was Amanda. She was going to be pissed.

answered, annoyed.

she whined.


clubbing is well overdue. You can’t skip out on this. Plus this is for my birthday!”

hung up the call and stuck the headphones back in my ears.

and stare. It was funny, and if I wasn’t concentrating so hard, I would have thrown some funny comments his way.

e times with his index finger. I quickly looked up to realize there wasn’t just Keith but also another man.

wn corporate system within a matter of minutes. Go me.

ared his throat, and I was knocked out of my longing daze into this man’s eyes.

inished?” Keith taunted. I cleared my throat.

he computer loaded the webcam as you could see a man on the other side. I slid the laptop so both men could see. His skin was white while his eyes looked almost red. His features were sharp, and his lips were in a frown. Obviously aware that I’d captured his face. I quickly hit the “print screen” button to capture the man’s face so they could hunt the man down. The webcam was then covered by his hand, and I di

he computer belonged to, which was Derick Vanderveen. No, it couldn’t be, I thought.

aring myself for the wind outside.

in.” I grabbed my phone and earbuds from the desk and put them in my coat pocket, trying to ignore the stare from the blonde god in front of me.

oulder. I paused for a moment, not sure what they wanted me to do. “Is there something wrong?” I spoke slowly.

forward, breathing in deeply. Keith was awaiting my answer, but I couldn’t help staring at the man beside him. With a clearing of Keith’s throat again, I shook my head to reply.

inued my computer and software education in college. I’m currently finishing my master’s and workin

spoke with certainty. “I’ve never seen someone work so quickly and effectively. How much do I owe you?”

se high-paying CEOs, but the work I did was easy to me, so I shouldn’t charge an arm and a leg. I was doing what I like, the thrill of finding a problem and solving it as quickly and effectively as possible. Besides, I wasn’t with that much anyway.

of the company name headings.

g about me was probably the black strappy heels on my feet under my trench coat that I still had not removed.

a wondering where I was; I still had 15 minutes to get to her drunken birthday party.

By the way, I didn’t get your name, Mr…?” I held out my hand to the blonde, who still had not let me out of his sight since he arrived in the room.

ad ever seen. Instead of a CEO, he could pass for a movie star or model. I’m sure he could have any woman he desires, and they would just be putty in his hands.

tered the elevator only to see Jack Storm standing outside of his closed hotel room door, watching me as the elevator doors closed.

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