Her Forever (Book 3)- Chapter 35

Willa’s POV

Luke led us to the main square of Atlantis, people were watching Horus I with leery eyes but he continued to hold his head up high since he was a proud creature. If only they knew how large and powerful, he was they would cower in fear. Horus continued to stay by my side, always touching me, if not with my hand on his side, his tail was protectively wrapped around my waist.

When we were away from Atlantis, Luke could manipulate his looks to make him look more human. Here, everyone kept their colorful scales and hair while they walked about, more of their true form minus the tail. I stuck out like a sore thumb, looking every bit of human. Many girls donned beautiful, short skirts that wrapped around their waists with shells beading around their waists. Hair came in an assortment of colors you would find in a thriving coral reef. My hair was dark and I didn’t have the colorful clothing or scales they had..

ere stern, looking like the prince he really was.

he guards finally nodded and opened the gate and with one look we were guided into the palace.

the orb lights lit up the entire dwelling. Several women with shell anklets and short, beautiful dresses came prancing in giggling and talking. I’ve not seen one woman in the entire kingdom wear any clothing longer than mid-thigh or cover their shoulders.



to so long ago.” Luke’s eyes fell distant as he continued to lead us down the grand hallway. “Ever since my mother left, he made it to law to follow that of the Moon Kingdom and only accept your true mate. I’m surprised The Light Kingdom doesn’t follow suit.”

right now, that is why he had me fly with Horus to The Land of Dragons to keep me safe until it was over.” Luke let out a breath in relief.

was getting w


t.” I gasped in disbelief.

uld never! He waited for me this long why would he mate

t simple, Princess.” Luke shook his head.


bit grumpy, but he won’t hurt you,” Luke trailed off unt

speak. Luke looked down at me as he saw the distressed look on my face.

me, Luke.” There was a long p

wore. His hair was platinum blonde with a neatly short, trimmed beard.

to Horus. Horus stood beside me as he sat on his haunches.

ly cut off.

o a towering height, my small body couldn’t comprehend what was happening and it began to shake.

lp,” Luke remained passive.

uggest you go elsewhere with this human,” he turned and started to walk a back to his seat. “Sing something,” Luke nudged me.



efore!” I whisper yelled.

” he pushed.

ad, I was conflicted who I really was.

dejectedly. This is mortifying.

to move on. I must do this, for the closure.

ly find static on the radio

hose city lights and I lo


ricket choir i

in my bare feet, dancing to the rhythm of your heartbeat


nothing to do with me too?

couldn’t give me the answers, I wanted I would drop all this, all the wondering of ‘what if’s and ‘what could have been.’ I’ll take my life as is and be with my mate.

ster in your chest

my breath

ser, my head on your shoulder, baby we won’t beat the song

n star wish, one more slow

that was enough to get the Atlantean King’s attention, I opened my eyes to see him standing in front of me. His eyes were no longer matted together, the barely-there lines from his scowl earlier had faded. His eyes had softened, and his posture was

of seconds.

yes. Luke wandered beside his father and held out the purple Hawaiian lay and has his father took it he looked back at me. He chuckled a few times before his voice became a burst of boisterous laughter.

ne in the state of my confusion. “Kathryn was a spitfire; I’ll give you that.”

you knew my

solemn. “How is she?” I slumped my shoulders.

, I haven’t seen her in years.” His amusement of the situation went

seven years ago. Mother and father didn’t want me, they wanted to divorce and go their separate ways and not have to be reminded about me. My whole childhood they didn’t want me, so I grew up with my friend with her pack.”

ing’s hand brushed my hair and gave a light peck to the top of my head.

e father. I swear to the gods I knew nothing about you,”

inside my chest.


ood. My gut was telling me to trust it and it didn’t steer me wrong with Orion.

e my daughter, Willa,” the determination in his voice made me choke back a sob. I wasn’t far from him, but I leaped into his arms and buried my face to his chest. I have a father. A family.

er,” he cooed in my ear. “And now I’ve got you.” He squeezed me tight as we both fel

r as he helped us both up.

w your name yet?” I spoke up.

’t be real.

eak it to you but she’s going to be queen in a month. I don’

noticed then, the large hickey on my neck was beaming proudly as he moved my hair to take a closer look. “Wh

, a hickey?” I said innocently. Luke snickered and I threw out a glare at h

The Fae King?” He roared. There goes happy dad. I nodded yes again, and he slumped his shoulders.

I would have been heartbroken if my father decided I couldn’t be with him and with our bond this strong I don’t think I could handle the heartache. I couldn’t lose both when I just got ev

hen he switches to a full human form, he mentioned he had darkened hair like I do which I’m guessing is another trait I got from him.

k my first breath of water just hours ago.


she’s the favorite child now, huh?”

e but never met the fairy.”

s a fae

too good for my baby girl.” I gasped.

daddy too disturbed me. I’ll just call my father dad. Goddesses have mercy.

rion will be expecting her at the cottage after the war.”

for Willa, Moon Goddess or not he will be good to her.”

yes, but I secretly loved it.

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