Her Forever (Book 4)- Chapter 14

Gwen’s POV

He just left. Hades looked so angry, and I didn’t know what to do; there was a glimpse of sadness in his eyes while he left, and in my gut, I knew I needed to stay away. Cerberus came out looking happy while I stooped down to give him all the cuddles.

He groaned and whined as I found his spot as I smiled lightly at him. Hermes came out with his hands in his pockets and a cigarette in his mouth. “Look what we have here, beauty and the beast.” Cerebrus huffed as he gave a playful nip at his ankles. “Easy their boy, remember who feeds you!” I chuckled while standing to my feet.

d as I fiddled with my fingers. “And you, young miss, need to get inside for your IV therapy.” I groaned out loud and did a little foot stomp.

en weak in a few days!”

cked the butt out of his mouth. “How about this, stay outside for a bit while I work here in the garden. You can go as far as the fence but don’t go past it, do you understand?” The fence was a long way off, and I wasn’t planning on straying too far anyway. There was too much to look around jus

s is with me.”

think Hades wouldn’t like that, and he wants to make sure you are always safe. Go on,” Hermes said in a no-nonsense tone as I walked away from the cobble-stoned path.

so I took my hand in the water and splashed him, causing him to yip and run away. Laughing, I got out and went to sit under the willow tree.

hat. Being in nature was calming and brought a whole new sense of peace. The grass, the dirt, and the smell of the flowers and trees were how I dreamt it would be. I wanted to engulf the earthy scent

ces if he wanted.

ss as I curled up close. I suppose a small nap wouldn’t hurt.

full, and the small town was just a few feet away from the treehouse I was sleeping in. The lights were flickering on and off, and several other c

ut a few weeks old. Two other small boys are flanking her sides; one looks to be close to my age.

hy this woman thinks I’m this Parisa girl. She smiles again at me, and the eldest boy grabs my hand. “Make sure she doesn’t get away, Michael.” The boy held my hand and gave me a bright smile that looked like his mother’s. Was she my mother too?

ory about Hades visiting our pack. It was a great honor to help him.” Again, I looked at her confused as Michael pulled me along to sit next

owers. We would know immediately if something was a miss.”

so much. It is more so for unwanted humans because cameras don’t work if someone uses magic. The only way someone could get in would be a god-like being, and we don’t have any threats from them.” Michael nodded, and the woman handed me the baby. I panicked, not ever held a baby before I tried to pass him off to Michael.

ips as they both looked down on us.

ver her. Luckily, our strong Luna was able to destroy her, and with that came a great gift from Hades. The protection barrier.”

at demon? Why would anyone want to hurt Luna?”

he took a large breath. “We can’t go into much detail. We can tell you she was created for a good purpose, but all that went aw

te bond?

on. My eyesight could no longer see well in the dark as I squinted to see better, only to have the figure right in front of me with a blink.

pawing at the dirt, I tried to hold onto the logs for my life. I couldn’t be taken away, not again! My hands drew blood as dirt and rock started to scrape my fingers.

s and looked away, leaving me alone to be dragged into the darkness of the forest.

he nightmares, and I dared not look him in the eyes. There were several grunts coming from my attacker until I heard a voice.

s still in the fight or flight mode, and right now, I wanted nothing more than to not to feel restrained. The grip be

onger! Twisting my body, I heard another grunt as another pair of arms gripped hold of me, holding me impossibly tighter. I couldn’t move. My body was completely immobile.

down. Squinting my eyes, I could see the outline of Niko, Hermes, and Ares.

Nodding embarrassingly, he laid me gently on the hospital bed of crisp white sheets.


ng his forehead. “She’s fragile, and she needs to be looked after!”

Stop babying her.” Niko growled back at Ares puffed up his chest in defiance.

; I’m sorry was trouble.” Hermes knelt beside the table and laid his head down.

Hades was away, and I didn’t want to relive them while I was awake. A few stray tears left my eyes again while Hermes blew out some air in frustration.

hair while I sighed.

ramose; he was wearing his pristine white lab coat with a stethoscope around his neck.

arms crossed.

leave her.”

this far,” his eyes narrowed at Hermes, who looked hurt as he uncrossed his arms. I pulled my arm out from my knees and put it on Hermes’s.

“It’s alright, and you didn’t know. Don’t worry about it, and Hades won’t get mad.” He

and I was starting to get uncomfortable.

hroat, “are we done here,

then hooked up to an IV pole. I groaned. “Yup, I got you now!” he chuckled while I


ink to the Hades story. It almost pained her to hear the other children complain about the King of the Underworld.

boy felt so close to me, I could almost feel his touch when he dragged me to the bonfire. What could it all mean, we

tle one, soon.”

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