Her Forever (Book 5)- Chapter 53


I dabbed a bit of blood from my neck and eyebrow, smiling at my good friend Landon. Landon was a formidable character to read at times. His outward appearance can give anyone the hebbie jebbies, but he was a trustworthy wolf, however. He would have your pack in an instant.

Landon was also closed off in the mate department. Not once growing up did he mention his desire to find a mate; his parents weren’t the happiest of mates initially, and maybe that was why. His mother and a human fell in love, not a mate bond love, one that grew over time. Of course, the human didn’t understand what a mate bond was or understood its power. Once his mother found her mate, she knew she had to leave the human, but her heart still felt guilty for the human she turned away. His mother kept a picture of him, thought of him often since his heart was so broken over losing his werewolf lover.

t-ridden. Landon’s mother moved on once the human had died; he lived a loveless life until he hit the ripe age of eighty. All that time, Landon’s mother thought it was her fault, but it was only

bly why he was so mean to Stacy when she first confessed a crush on him so long ago.

les anyway.


spat while his gate became lon

ip. “Why would I play such a game with you?” Landon smacked his lips together, stopping, putting his index finger into my chest.

to where I cannot control him!?” Landon’s huffs and growls reverberated in his chest, several warriors passing by glanced only to continue on with their patrols, pointing at several spots in the forest.

th hands rubbed his temples.

nd eat a bit of crow and beg for her back?”


ell, that makes sense.

You got stage fright then? Couldn’t go back and beg her back? Get on her knees and say, ‘oh, I love you, St

came through the forest. “Oh, hell,” Landon shifted into his wolf before I could comprehend what was happening. Lighte

ft at the packhouse. It wasn’t long until the small band of cloaked figures were surrounded by the Royal Warrior Pack and several from the Red Moon.

to look behind us. The warning growl meant for me had me bare my neck, yet another lightning bolt flew from the sky to the ground right in front of my alpha.

ould fight; I was strong but not the title she wanted. A Luna, ahead warrior like Landon, or even a rich wolf that could make their own Earth realm pack if they wanted.

tter came along.

the three unknown cloaked individuals. Whoever I was mated to, would they think the same thing as Liz?

as Bohdi.

Parisa. She helps Selene with pairings of souls.

hands finer than any marbled statue. Slight tremors fell into her fingertips as a step forward was taken towards me. She didn’t look her age at all.

ere 637 years old?

ate was a cougar; my d**k sprung in surprise.

ntact. Bohdi shook her head, her feet still stepping forward, closer to Alpha Bi

in front of my alpha.

chin. How did this woman know how I liked to be touched?

eel before me?” My eyes glanced at hers.

ant her to reject me, but damn, I had nothing to give her.

anything more.” Bohdi’s smile widened, my hands grabbed either side of her face as I kissed her lips. With the warmth of her lips, her body pressed against mine, we didn’t bother to stand up from the cold


memory while we heard loud thumps hitting the ground.


iss?” My body was dripping from the creek water, my hands on my hips as I heaved over the now wet ground. Cardio wasn’t my strong suit, and I knew that was something I would have to work on.

gods, why are you wet?” Theon ran to me, pulling off his shirt and shoving it over my body. I gripped hold of him, holding him tight. “Just having a mental breakdown, you know, nothing major. But I missed a lot!” My hand waved to the couple rolling in the leaves, getting closer and closer to the fire. “Who are they?”

d in happiness, jumping up and down, hugging Theon, and quickly going to Thaddeus to give him his little scritches under his maw. “This is gr

next. We will have to solve some more issues while fighting against some of these rogues. The weaponry is getting to be more advanced than we anticipated.” I nodded.

as due to a Kitsune. More specifically, a Nogitsune.” Thaddeus rolled his eyes.

I guess we will be briefed after we get these two to their own room,” Thaddeus looked at the couple rolling on the ground, Spencer’s shirt was off, pants halfway down his butt, and the cloak

oken rule with Lunas. You help separate mates so they can be put in a proper room. You grab Spencer since you know him so much.” I groaned, gone to pull him by his ankles and pulled his body away. Several wolves with popcorn in their hands started whining, throwing their food towar

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