Her Forever (Book 5)- Chapter 62

Third Person

Seth heard the yell from across the courtyard. “Rogues!” echoed through his ears while his mind linked to his family. They had come far too early, earlier than the expected time that the Kitsune would find out about Trinity being gone from the territory.

While Seth expected for wolves, bears and maybe vampires to invade the forest and then into the clearing, he was greeted with something surprising. Small squirrels, raccoons, rabbits, all with blood eyes running towards them. One wolf had at least a dozen on his body alone. They were biting, ripping at his fur. He howled while trying to claw the creatures off his body in his wolf form. Some fell from their body only to be trampled by enormous claws into the dirt. The squish from the blood tangled in between the pads of his paws.

ny pack members shifted, Seth ran to the lone wolf who was burning. The wolf shifted quickly back into a human, shaking uncontrollably. They laced the bite marks with silver. Instea

k members nodded their head, hands visibly shaking. They were from the Red Moon pack, wolves inexperience in enormous battles.

d from the trees, swarming the court yard. The pitter patter of th

ling, screaming in pain as the animals continued to flood out of the forest. Instead of transforming into her wolf, Gaia, she ran in her ballet

t a roar that shook the ground. Not only did the rodents that still hung in the trees fall to the ground to their death, but the ones on the ground shuttered in fear.

ckly nibble at least a bit or two, inflicting enough silver.

ing her mate awakening from his transformation sleep. ‘It’s too early,’ she thought. ‘He can’t wake up, not now.’

h of relief as half the population of rabid animals cease to exist.

e.” Two more wolves picked her up to take her inside the pack house.

aking up and I’m not there.” Mia, who was swatting rodents with a bat rather than shift, finding it much easier to use her small stature to advantage, ears perked up.

ything contradicts itself with these transformations, it’s getting a bit annoying,” Mia’s bat swung at the white rabbit, who then hit the side of the house.

e the same, but the extra mark gave Bohdi a sense of pride. Her mate wanted her so badly he would mark her body over and over, which turned her on immensely.

t white light pierced right into her heart. Letting out a yell of fury, electricity weaved in and out, over and under and through each rodent. They fell dead in the tracks, giving the wolves a sigh of relief.

at first.” Caspian towered over her.

can already feel my aura weakening, I just got upset over my mate,” Bohdi choked back a cry.

pian snorted, white steam coming from his nose. “O

a bad one,” Bo


is human form. “That fox is smart, sending smaller enemies to attack us. I don’t thi

er neck. “The larger enemies I had counted on crossing from the beginning are standing just across from it. Sorry, my ward could not account for the smaller ones.”

was clever and cunning, something Seth was not. He was the muscle, the ferocious fighter he was brought up to be. He did as his Queen said, not even caring if he looked like a rug for her to walk on. Seth rounded up the few wolves that were not carrying the wounded warriors. He had them stand just short

en if it meant losing something precious like they had once done before.

each other, spark flying between his fingertips. The short time he had his daught

e pounding of light-footed animal feet was coming closer.

d fiercely. Nothing would keep him from his mate, Stacy, now. Hades himself would have to rip him from the Earth before anything would happen to her. He was now at his most dangerous self, a wolf accepting the mate he had always wanted for many years. The urge was strong to claim h

ge power if he truly could control the animals of nature.

. Seth and Caspian smiled savagely. “Now!” Caspian howled into the air, causing the rogue animals to tremble, giving the wolves enough time to attack two, three at a time. Being sure they were careful enough not to have the blood fill their throats.

he could mind link an entire area with no problems. The Red Moon pack retreated, heading back into the pack house. Those who had fallen were dragged backwards, ready for Sadie to touch their foreheads to slow the poison.

olves that have been coming in the pack house, her power was being used at an alarming rate. The poison was now going at a slow enough pace through the blood so they could be saved if the blood bags came back in time. Sadie’s thoughts turned to her sons and new daughter. She prayed they were safe and not captured. The bond she shared with her sons made her believe they were still alive. No pain came to her heart when she thought of them.

r swipes from bears and wolves across their bodies. It was a hard sight to see, especially when shifters are supposed to heal quickly. They all now looked like humans, some mauled beyond recognition.

k. Seth made a mental note to have him join the pack. Then again, they may need him in a small pack such as this.

est left to fight. Now they dealt with ordinary rogue shifters. The mindset of a shifter differed from a rogue. The moves were more calculated, more thought through, making it more di

n though she had the mark of her mate on her shoulders.

she tried to punch a wolf. The goddess Hecate awoke Bohdi early, knowing that the fight would be a close one.

e, otherwise Zeus would realize what she was doing. The laws were there for a reason, so that they favored no species over the other.

again as Seth let out another roar. It was enough fuel for the wolves to jump back into action. The rogues, picked one by one, were now down to five. A group of twent

ot caring if blood was drenching her clothes. Her body was physically overworked, her aura no longer held the brightness of her face. There was no more magic left to give. The ward was completel

ohdi had missed her mate. The first week of mating was special, and the bond was strong. Bohdi’s power would be stronger if Spencer was by her side, but he needed the rest. A wolf with some witch abilities would prove helpful when he woke up, but now wasn’t the time. Sadie ran to Bohdi, her fingers grazing over her forehead.

oice to save every single wolf because she knew her new daughter would die inside knowing someone gave their life for hers.

I couldn’t keep them out,” Bohdi almost cried for the first time in a long while.

ds stilled again.

scratches on their faces. Luckily, the silver poison wouldn’t affect a sorcerer, but now Bohdi was in danger because of her shared genetics with Spencer.

maybe rest. There is something powerful coming,” Ajax added.

cuddled in his arms, feeling his strength. His bare chest had no scratches, just the blood of his enemies. “Lov

ling. The genetics he shared with Mia gave him alpha healing powers so he could have continued to fight.

ther. “Your stare is insufferable.” Seth smiled at his daughter across the co

ey will inherit one day.

ing, to know she was alright. The sweet reassurances she sent him through the mind link as he battled only made him fight harder, stronger, faster for her. He didn’t have to worry as much. Sadie had proven her self strong many times over the years they had been together.

ies were at angles that should not be possible. Seth knew this battle would be difficult, especially with inexperience the Red Moon pack provided, but he fully trusted his men. They had proved worthy in his eyes. Mia and Marco had kept the rigorous training Seth left behind for them to follow. Marco, being the one to take charge of most of the training, did well. His friend of over a hundred years had been most trustworthy.

uffles with Marco being his daught

rent ideas. Caspian’s natural willingness to jump into battle was fleeting. His mind was racing along with Seth’s as to why he would feel such a way.

hem proceed?” Seth brushed a stray hair from Sadie. If Sadie was awake she would immediately jump up and say yes, yet they were dealing with a Kitsune, they weren’t sure what to expect.

his shoulder length hair.

s long as it made her feel secure.

business suits. They were unconscious, groaning, obviously human. Dropping them into a pile, he grunted, his wolf’s eyes eyeing the two humans. “Get those two tied up,” Seth yelled across the courtyard. Marco stood up first, running to listen to his king.

there, was she already captured? Did they leave her behind with vampires?

r and waited for the truck to finally reach the bloodied courtyard.

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