Her Forever (Book 5)- Chapter 66


Things could not get any better. I had my mom and my real dad who has been more of a father than what’s-his-face ever was. That’s right, I promised myself I would never say his name again. He was a worthless step-father and a terrible husband to my mother. For the first time, I could see the pleasure glisten in her eyes. They had become so bright with in just a few days of having Folen back in her life.

She looked just a little older than me, but not by much. Our facial features were the same, along with our dusting of freckles on our cheeks. Dad had been coddling her ever since she woke up and, for the best part, he was happy to have me in his life. I think we will get a long great with each other for years to come. We certainly have some catching up to do.

inued to sputter spit and blood across the ground. He wasn’t healing well, probably because his own venom had silver laced with it and it was invading his body.

ed of properly. Josiah had it coming. Pretty boy deserved everything he got. He even screamed like a little girl as Marco grabbed him by his wrists, breaking them, dragging him back down to his cell.

an enormous hotel with an indoor water park. Shifter children don’t get tired easy and Lenhi looked like she needed a nap or maybe hibernate?

ced. Big Paw was reluctant but the big doe eyes Linhi gave him made him crack. Instead of waiting for a full moon, because life was precious and sometimes traditions needed to be broken, they announced the name of the sweet baby. Ansel, meaning protector.

ng to need them now that my mates and my family were coming back with them.

My family.

supposed to have days to recuperate, but having royal blood on both sides helped, I believe, even if it was an ancient line.

as low, but I could still hear a little.

ndon being part of the problem. After losing Elijah, whom she thought of as a friend and her family in the small town. Landon was all she had left, and as long as he stayed true to her, which I think he will, she will heal in time.

icly. That’s just how Stacy was. She was vindictive. I could see it in her eyes.

d it and felt adored.

dy was sore, my first shift was a difficult one. I still remember hearing every bone in my body cracking, and it made me sick to think about it. No one could have prepared me for that, no one could have told me just how painful

ause they thought I was human, because I didn’t tell many about my elf heritage. There wasn’t time. Now they bow their heads lower in respect, be

an’t wait to take you home,” Theon sighed in my ear. He was t

ven dragons.” My head perked up.

He helped mom and dad a long time ago, he helped win the war. He’s wicked strong and as scary as dad when he gets

e could overthrow the Moon Kingdom, but he isn’t like that. He’s likes being alone w

Would she be as scary as him?

, mates balance each other. Look at mom an

your mother, then?” I mumbled.

e doesn’t, she is just more guarded. Plus Creed, the dragon, doesn’t let her out much, and she’s fine with that.


o, it’s just they only need each other to be happy.” I hummed, putting my hand on Theon’s thigh so I could finally fal


ons again, Your Highnesses,” Bohdi bowed, along with Spencer. “We wish we could attend your mating ceremony and Luna celebration, but I am needed back home.” Bohdi

sometime and not just because there is some kind of fight or baby shower.”

the thick forest, her hand waved only for them to disappear like they were never there.


?” I asked, picking up the box putting it in

words inscribed in the box and you will see your step-father’s sufferings. I’m sure you were disappointed not being able to get your revenge, but maybe this will help.” Ajax gave a side smile, looking at Matthew. “I may have used a little of his ashes for myself and let me say, he was a mess.”

s was sweet poetic justice that my mother and I will get to watch.

t Thaddeus, both Matthew and Ajax walked into the forest, disappearing all the same.

She was wearing a frilly dress. We were all standing outside. The first wave of warriors headed out to drive ahead of us and make sure there weren’t any more surprises. I’m sure there wasn’t, but Seth was being extra careful.

fingers interlocked with Landon coming from the house, he we beaming down at her, kissing her forehead. Her other hand wrapped around his arm. They already looked like a ma

ulling her into a tight hug. “Are you coming with us?”

things slow, anyway. But I really wanted to come witness your ceremonies, so I demanded we come right away.” Landon’s smile stayed on Stacy. His acceptance obvious

” Theon spoke up. “The pack will be grateful to have you.” Landon only nodded and pulled Stacy to one of the SUVs.

similar. Must be the brooding type,” I joked.

ires that traveled with us were coming as well, bringing their large passenger van. Suron was running around the van, screaming with the children. All the children were growling, swiping their pretend claws while chasing him.

You can’t get me now!” I started laughing. My mates picked me up, forcing me into the limo while I tried to continue to watch.

l laughing, until I was silenced as Theon pushed his lips to mine.

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