Her Forever (Book 5)- Epilogue

Third Person

The pattering of naked feet hit the marbled floor with a bang. The slap of skin hitting and leaving the floor became louder and louder in the rooms down the hall. A shrill escaped the pup’s lips as it neared the end of the hallway. Heavy pants, sweat dripping down its brow, heart beat speeding up by every minute. “No, no, no,” he panted, finally reaching for the high decorative doorknob in front of him.

Suddenly, the lights went out in the hallway. Only one emergency light hung at the other end of the hall. “Uh, oh,” escaped the tiny pink lips. Wiggling the door handle again, a rush of wind flew past, waving the unruly hair wildly.

s needed, the pup crept to the floor, hiding behind the abundant exotic plants that decorated each hallway. Hiding behind the largest

me,” the pup whispered.

tightly, as if to fade into the dense foliage of the plant, was then picked up by the collar of the predator.

aughter came from the pup


You always find me! It isn’t

wolf’s senses haven’t come in yet, Devin. Once you

ight sources of Bergarian.

e Warrior Pack.

Orion’s younger children at the reception. Orion wanted him for himself so Willa could have a break, but Suron felt the need to stay with Sadie. Who wouldn’t?

ld become a nanny to her grandchildren. Suron’s bright personality shone thr

. When Trinity had Luna duties, Suron would take care of the baby who took to him immediately. Suron had become part of the

ry to force shift on Thaddeus, but had fail

uo opened the ornate door handle poor Devin tried to open. A gentle knock with his icy fingers tap

rough the entire labor, trying not to scream and frighten her son, who was somewhere else in the pack house.

d to sleep.

wn to his shoulders when not held up by a tie.

ectively decided on. “We decided, Penelope.”

to her chest. “Would you like to hold her?” Suron hesitated. His body wanted desperately to hold her, and he wasn’t sure why. This feeling to protect her, to hold her, was strong and he could not understand. He thought it may be his protective instincts to help raise a helpless baby, but it was strange.

ent to Suron, looking at her new granddaughter. Her eyes softened, putting her hand on Seth’s arm.

with Evelyn,” she mind-linked Seth. Her mate growled low, not liking the situatio

There wasn’t such a large ag

ber, you know that,” Sadie tried to soothe Seth.

en they were first together. Then the war, the war sealed the deal of never trusting them again.

t.” Seth just pulled Sadie closer to his side, inhaling her scent.

leaving for extensive warrior and general training not to see her again until she was twenty.

needed elsewhere as the royal nanny.”

kiss their cheeks. Sadie dare not tell her sons the look she saw in Suron’s eyes as he rocked

ung to his mother.

to her nanny, made my morning. She thought.

ous bright red hair, a stocky body type, just like his father that will turn to muscle with years to come. Devin and Tally, as Trinity predicted, became the best of friends, constantly running through the forests of the Warrior territory, wreaking havoc among the forest creatures.

ly of five. Her heart swelled, thinking about all the little patter of feet running through the pack house.

, but ventured out wanting to train along with them. The area’s foliage grew immensely. The trees looked healthier, stronger and tended to any wolf that needed a shade from the bright light sources in the sky.

ou ice cream, and maybe a run through the

udly, ordering his pop to go faster.

ded with child, expecting her own little werewolf in a month.

cing her first real friend. They held on for the longest time.

rst heat six months later and fell pregnant.

whispered. Trinity’s head perked up at Stacy’s shoulder. “We are moving into your pack, that is, if you will have us.” Trinity’s bright smile lit up the room, branches from the nearby open windows crept into the room, wondering what had made Trinity’s already cheerful mood now m

your mind now that you have said it. That would be rude,” Trinity forced out. Landon stood behind Stacy, worried about her flamboyant movements around his pup, pulling Stacy back. He lovingly caressed her belly, kissing her mark.

ates invited him to be beta!” Trinity began to sob. Theon and Thaddeus rushed to her, worried for her wellbeing.

race, a worried look etched in his perfect features.

lders and rubbed her back.

yes shot up to meet Stacy’s, but she was too busy cooing over the baby to notice.

over protectiveness was, but he certainly did not like the idea of Penelope mated to anyone.


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