Her Forever – Chapter 10

Alpha Seth

“Alpha Seth!” I heard Alpha Adrien say from the sidelines of the sparring rink. I was in the middle of fighting his son, who is a fairly young alpha. He was only 25 years old to my 125.

Werewolves don’t age past 28, and we don’t die of old age. Our metabolism and ability to heal so quickly help us out. Yet, we can still die; we aren’t immortal.

ors. It doesn’t hurt also to put tabs on my sister too. “They said they better see you there.”

hen slammed Eli to the ground with one swift hand motion.

“Just because you have more experience doesn’t mean you can kick my a*s so hard!” He lightly joked.

I have my reasons.

mate at just 25. Many werewolves find their mates early. That wasn’t the case for me and several of my friends.

r my mate. I’m starting to think she’s dead and I’ll never find her.


from the Moon Goddess, Selene herself. They are to complete you in every way. Fill in holes where you lack certain qualities. Now here I am, 125 and still looking.

hese times. All I have done is build a great relationship with my wolf, my pack, and the constant training and sparring to keep my mind away from my o

n’t been given the full title as of yet from my father; he wants m

th them to the club.

. I’ve already made my mistakes.

ng Lela, a girl from here, the Pinecreek Pack, and Nathan took some human gi

d his mate, at least I hope it was. They were sucking face in the club’s corner in a booth. Good for him.

ing to the bar. Such a waste of time. It just makes me want to punch the s**t out of something—so many smells, arousals, werewolves, and the occasional human here or there. Being an Alpha, you smell it all.

know not to talk to me when I’m drinking. They think I’m an a*s now; just wait until I start drinking.


What’s wrong?”

thing is going to h


dead, that we are doomed to roam our pack mateless. Unfortunately, both of us would rather die than wait much longer.

k one last sip of my drink, and I felt a female beside me; I could sense that she was about to tap my shoulder when I spat, “Slut, get away from me and close your w***e mouth before someone sticks

I turn around and see a bunch of guys staring at me in shock.

ot like I care?

d down, and I left, but before I did, I heard several of the

rt of me wanted to know who the hell L

ith that


w could just one sentence hurt me so much? It must be the whole “first crush” thing I never got when I was younge

gs and matching sports bra with my black Adidas jacket.

’m not stopping until I pass out.


int; I just ran.

and in my chest. The good physical pain felt so much better than the emotional stu

up was not disappointing.

towards the east, and it was a forest for miles. It was vast and empty.


rom others. I didn’t want to become weak like Maria; she wanted so much more for me. To be strong and live my life, and with that, I have to let out all the pent-up frustration.

e woman would do. I threw my earbuds out and just screamed into the nothingness.

It fe

ng satisfied, I felt the biggest smile grace my face. I opened m

the trail, I heard a t

, shiiiiitaki-mushroom

igger than me. Is it a bear? It heaved its breath, steam trailing out of its mouth.

orable, but changed my mind once it got closer.

deadly, I am sure.

K; you are OK, we are all OK. I won’t scream anymore.”

ad that is over.


time. Rebecca was still asleep, that lazy bum. No wonder she always had me open the diner during the week.

didn’t hesitate to close my eyes and sleep

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