Her Second Chance Alpha Chapter 6

I’m blinded by a bright light suddenly and once it dissipates I realize I’m not in the bar any more. I’m not to sure where I am, there is a beautifull little lake with a steady waterfall that is just breath taking. It’s night time and the moon is high in the sky and the stars are shining brighter then I have ever seen.

I am no longer wearing my jeans and tank top anymore. Instead now I am wearing a white gown with a V-neck line and the back is a even deeper V, most of my back can feel the cool air that is blowing in the breeze.

I hear movement to my right, I spin around to see what’s there and Andra my Wolf steps just out of the tree line. Her beautiful golden eyes are shining bright in the darkness, as she approaches me I notice her fur is glowing almost silver under the moonlight.

ig she wolf but now she is even bigger. She now stands as tall as me while on all fours, she has more muscles that feel out her frame more.

d she start to change? I begin to wonder to myself.

there is alot to explain.”

t twords the waterfall. “We used a lot of energy when our alpha aura manifested because of that douchbag. So I b

t said.

plete shock by this, how am I a Alpha? How have we never known until now I wonder.

a, what is ha

just know that what we’ve been told about ourselves isn’t true. We are not Omegas.” She says, if a wolf could grin that is exactly how she looked.

ewolves, from some of the first of the werekind. This makes us stronger then the average wolf and gifted as well.”

how we could be some special wolf with powers.

ate.” If a wolf could grin I swear she whould have been then.

cted us remember, he didn’t want us because he thought we were to weak to be Luna.” I say as I rem

oftly flows all the way to her feet with a gold tasseled rope around her waist like a belt. Almost matching the dress that I now wear.

did.” The woman says as she approaches Andra and I. “They never lived up to their full potential and I’m sorry I gave you to them in the first place. Your new

w mate? Who is this woman? Andra giggles as I had

r now. The moon goddess is standing right in front of me and I had no idea. Why is she here in the f

g with Andra.

takes my hand in hers. “I know you have many questions about your past. I can’t give you all the information you seek as you have to learn the truth on your own my dear.

ing that was coming.

a sad smile “No my dear I am not allowed to interfere. I only match wolves to their humans and mates. What each wolf chooses to do in the end is comple

ly at me when she removes her hand and nods to Andra.

me, I still have so many questions that I want to ask the Moon Goddess but I nod in understanding.

that hurt like hell, why does my throat hurt do much.

what is that smell, it smells like Sandalwood and Frankincense, oh my I just want to roll a

y face trying to get closer to the scent and the warmth that seems to fill my soul from that simple touch.

never felt anything like this before. Andra then whispers “Its time, open your

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