Her Triplet Alphas – Chapter 24: Dolls That Look Like Chasity


Ma marched me into the living room. Pa was sitting on the couch drinking whisky on ice. Dad and Mom sat next to him. Alex and Calix were sitting on the floor with wrapped presents in their laps like children.

“Sit with your brothers,” instructed Ma. “Get the camcorder, Victor,” she said to Pa. “Camcorder? In this day and age?” Asked Alex, grinning. Pa pulled out his iPhone. *I got a camcorder on this here cellular phone,” Pa informed us. “Where’s Chasity?” Asked Calix. “Where’s the little one?” Demanded Ma. “Go get her, Munch-munch! There’s scorpions in the hay. She could get bitten,” said Pa. “We don’t have a barn, Dad,” said my Dad to Pa. “Well, why the hell not?! You grew up with one,” argued Pa. “CLAUDIA!” Yelled Ma, meaning Chasity. “Veronica, be a dear and go fetch Claudia.” “It’s Ronnie,” said Dad in unison with me saying, “It’s Chasity.” “LITTLE ONE! Where are ya?” Shouted Pa. Chasity came scurrying into the living room.

olded Pa. “There’s scorpions in the hay. That’s how I spent a

hed exasperatedly. “The kids need to be safe, Sonny-boy,” cooed Ma. “Claudia, sit on the floor with y

stifled laughter. “Hand out the presents to Munch-munch and this little one,” said Pa.

they got her something

gift,” said Ma.

be preserved.

ned Pa, despite the fact that werewolves were immortal.

Other than that, we would go on living indefinitely.


ex’s frustration. Ma took the gift and put the wrapping paper back on with some more tape. Pa started filming Alex o

Henrietta Your New Best Friend peered at the transparent plastic front. It was a doll.

. He was a pretty good actor. I’d give him that.

e little one. They’re not labelled,” said Ma with a smile.

est? This is youngest.”

Calix is my youngest,” hissed Mom “You like the doll, Claudia?” Asked Pa. Chasity took the gift. She smiled. “Thank you so much, former Alpha and Luna,” she

Girl, call me Pa,” said Pa.

out of the box and smoothed its hair. “It looks like you, see, Claudia?” Said Ma.

, and was clad in pink overalls. Chasity had dark blonde curls, golden skin and brown eyes.

d Pa. She came here at aged nine,” said Mom.

be rude, Veronica,” said Ma, narrowing

sity is not adopted,” quarrelled Dad, getting defensive over Mom.

“Sonny-boy, go get me some more whisky. Where’s this

. “I’ll have a glass of white wine,

rty,” said Grandfather under his breath.

ky with a sigh. Chasity actually seemed quite pleased with her doll. i opened my present next. It was a spider-like contraption that walked all over your bod

Ma, taking my gift and giving it to Alex.

lf snarled.

so much. Ma and Pa. You’re the best!” Grinned Calix. “Claudia, go ahead,” encouraged Ma. Chasity opened the gift in her lap. It was another gun.

” I said, flashing them a grin. “Where’s my gun?” Joked Alex. “I feel left out.” Pa pulled another gift out of the sack he had brought.

pression. “Stop complaining and go outside to play with your gun,” said Pa. “DAD!” yelled our father at Pa.

and regular. Their skin will just push the regular out if any accidents happen. Now, the silver, be careful with those you hear !” Said Pa, enunciating his last warning.

insane. “I won’t,” promised Calix. Pa ruffled his hair.

id Ma. “It just happened,” I said incredulously.

y camcorder or did you bring your own?” Said Pa to Grandfather.


nstairs in her new room but I couldn’t imagine waking up without her on Christmas morning.

to wake up with you on Christmas morning,” specified, leading her up the stairs.


though I was really close to Mom, I was not that close with her Dad and her new Stepmother who was almost Mom’s age so Mom was pissed.

or, locking it. Alex was sitting at his work desk, typing away on his laptop. How was h

top screen. “Pack stuff,” mumbled Alex. “Urgent pack stuff?” she asked, sitting on his

the best. We seemed to sleep in here the vast majority of the time. It was the neatest room by far, I knew she was afraid of all the eyes in Felix’s paintings and i felt she was biased against my Jurassic Park Sheets because of the dinosaur eyes.

ll sleeping over?” Asked Chasity.

’s lap but he had resumed typing. She would sharing the top spot in Alex’s love life with pack protocol.

said Felix, stretching out on Alex’s bed.

Alex and Chasity in unison.

ed me but I had been anticipating that. I ducked out f

her from behind. “We’re not serious, Chasity.” I cooed, patting her curly head.

love movies from the Human Realm! There have a channel called Lifetime…”

or the latter.

hing its hair. “Aww,” I said.


at her. I knew she had missed out o

ast time I got you something was my first Christmas here,” she said. “Do you remember?”

“I re

, a single tear sliding down her cheek. “Hey, hey,” said Felix. “Shh, Baby,” he cooed, k!ssing her cheek and wiping the tear away. “You three cast them into the fire. Why?” She asked.

red what she was talking about all too well.

on Christmas Eve Calix

d Christmas. Alex and Felix liked it too but I was crazy about it. Mom and I both were actually We would decorate the house together. Felix liked helping with the lights and Alex liked going around straigh

rstep one day out of the blue. Her parents dropped her off.

s bad.

oom, cutting up some paper. She was making paper dolls.

me On Christmas Morning, we all headed downstairs to open presents. Chasity was helping the current cook with making a huge Christmas breakfast.

d Mom cuddled near the fireplace.

syrup, a stick of salted butter, toast, bagels with cream cheese, chocolate chip muffins. The list went on and on. I ate until I was stuffed.

ix was ripping open his gifts in record time. I unwrapped mine carefully, preserving the paper. Felix tore open his gifts but not with the speed of Christmas Elf Cali

rsions of us. Felix snickered.


im the paper doll version of her.

it up high so she couldn’t get it. She did not jump for it, she just watched him with wide eyes.

im into the fire. Chasity gasped.

Calix, “jeered Felix to our youngest brother.

luctantly handed over his doll. Felix threw it in the fire. Chasity was upset. She ran up the stairs. I quickly put my paper doll away

lied. Felix

o make me act like a wuss and play dolls with her. Yeah right. / threw the doll version of me in the fire. / threw Calix’s doll in there too. I asked Alex for his but he said he

ike a doll. / smiled at the doll. I wasn’t going to play with it. I was not a wuss. I put it in my drawer, hiding it carefully

sent Da

l from Chasity into the fire. He had been such a little as**hole at that age. He had asked Calix for his and tossed that one too but I had lied and hid mine. I smiled at Chasity. I k!ssed her forehead. I went into my drawer and got my jou

had made.

tly. I hugged her back, k!ssing her neck and breathing in her delicious scent.

“He’s feeling guilty.” said Calix. “Yeah, probably.” I said.

g in her eyes. It was the paper doll version of herself.

she sniffed.

“‘Yeah, Baby,” he purred, k!ssing her neck gently. “I liked it. It

I didn’t!” Exclaimed Chasity.

ing in the middle.”

,” she said, shrugging.

tinued Felix

id of mine and you kept one each in secret,” he mumbled.

draw a paper doll version of Calix.

little Picasso,” cooe

ove with Chasity.

e. Felix was spooning her. Calix was on my other side.

to Chasity.

n his new paper doll, Felix had dema

itten and directed by Chasity. In it we were humans in the Human Realm and only one of us could marry Chasity who was our boss’s daughter. Felix kept trying to make the plot and scenes kinky. It

r doll. Felix was fine with their impending marriage, saying he was the side guy who doll Chasity was truly in love with. She almost married my doll to whom she was engaged for most of the film as my doll was the favourite of her father

aimed her love for all three dolls and the four of us ran away together after quitting our

out to drift off to sleep. The Paper Doll Drama had tired us out.


k!ss, nipping her l!p so that she opened her mouth for my tongue to slide in.

f Chasity, settling myself between her legs. I was grinding against her. My member was rock hard.

angled my hands in her hair as we k!ssed until we were breathless. She had made us wait and work for these k!sses.

, Baby,” I whispered to her.

it was not until late December that we had first k!ssed her. She was a slippery little minx, that was for sure.

g for us though not as hard as we were falling for her.


er earlobe.


ll be my wife. Our wife. We’ll make sure you’re the happiest bride in the world, Chasity, like you deserve. I know it’s corny but you deserve all the happiness in the world and I wanna give it to you,” I whispered.

her earlobe and her neck. She was sleeping soundly. I resisted the urge to slap or pinch her as*s. I nuzzled into the side of her neck and fel

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