Her Triplet Alphas – Chapter 50: Future Family Fiasco

Chasity’s POV

Apparently the triplets had held Dante in a cell and planned to do so for as many days as ! was kidnapped. He would then be transferred to regular jail. I told them he wasn’t the worst honestly. Maurice was dead due to a totally unrelated event.

He had choked on a sandwich sitting in his car in the parking lot of a convenience store he had just robbed. He had shot the owner there, a father of five in front of one one the children who’d been helping out in the family store. The father lived as the bullet missed all major organs and major blood vessels but he was still recuperating. The sandwich itself had been stolen. It was kind of a sick poetic justice.

s centre for whatever and whatever else. I really couldn’t remember and I didn’t want to. I was trying to blank out some stuff. Due to that membership, he was entitled to boarding and meals which is how Deidre (the old imposter Deidr

able to him Maybe I was soft but I didn’t want to judge him too harshly. Maybe his life had been awful? Alex reminded me my life had been awful and I was not someone who would shoot someone over a sandwich when I already had food at home.

being acting Luna. I told Ronnie I wasn’t in a rush and she seemed secretly glad. Felix had said “Three more months tops!” And Ronnie had frowned. I had smirked to myself. I fully intended to be Luna but I would be more lenient.

ld wait for Luna hearing days instead of the Alpha ones to come for their problems. The triplets seemed to have guessed my plans and Alex and Felix said they would supervise my Luna hearing days for the f

ries! They were were-foxes and they did not necessarily need to body-snatch. They could live forever like werewolves once not killed but they would age.

idre’s imposter had wanted youth and beauty. This somehow made her body snatching worse. I had thought perhaps she was mortal without the snatching and fea

t got to it in time she would still be alive. That terrified me. The fox body snatchers who were in my parents bodies could also reun

he triplets made them serve short jail sentences in the

o time served in a way. June and April wanted to help plan my bachelorette party, bridal shower, wedding, baby shower and help the triplets plan my honeymoon!

helped me locate my parents.

did pronounce Mina and Tina the Official Ladies i


ly in my pregnancy but the triplets wanted me to be careful around all “dangerous activities” like ascending and descending steps apparently.

ou’d brutalise my little girl, I would’t have dropped her off here! I thought you would at least treat her humanely if not like your own!” Bellowed my father.

ise is a very strong word!” S

g out your grudges on a child!”


cause his father had had no pack but his father had been a Sigma Wolf which is like a Lone Alpha.

ogically as powerful as an alpha but had no pack to command. Some Sigmas formed packs by gathering rogues.

eally good so I was learning a lot. Alex had selected him.

haired werewolf with huge brown eyes and dimples. Felix hated him and wanted me to have a

e Mina Tina Makeover Show but he wouldn’t get his name in the title.


e came back twelve minutes later and sat on the porch fuming. I really didn’t like her but she was the g

those from me and to return the letters. I sighed. She was such a b***h but I had to fix this somehow.

knew she w

solo appointment, one family fiasco, com

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