Her Triplet Alphas –  Chapter 83: Sleeping Beauty Chasity Awakens


Barely a moment after Chasity fainted, we found ourselves speeding to the Winter Moon Hospital. Felix was at the wheel, flooring the gas pedal. He was flying through the streets at an unprecedented speed, even for him, the family speed demon. For once, even Alex was grateful for Felix’s wild ways. We made it to the hospital in no time.

I dashed inside, cradling Chasity tightly to my chest. Alex and Felix were hot on my heels. Chasity’s family hurried behind us. I presented my little Goddess to the first doctor I encountered. The young doctor’s eyes widened. I could tell she recognised her future Luna and her current Alphas.

ity is pregnant, right?” Co


lets,” added

several other staff members.

side of Chasity’s neck, ensuring that my future bride’s pulse was present. As werewolves, we could all effort

rong, the rhythm is regular,” murmured the doctor to a nurse with a clipboard. “Please, Roberta, place the Luna in a private room and record her vitals ri


s happen? Did she hit her head?” Asked the doctor.


ng something down on her clipboard.

he doctor, just as we reached the private room.

“No, nothing,” sai

he doc.

arefully placed Chasity on the bed.

an hooking her up to the various machi

akfast?” Asked the doc.

rite,” said Felix, looking forlorn.

r took note of the readings the nurse had gotten. I could hear the various monitors beeping. I had no idea what any of it meant and if it was good or not.

she’s pregnant! And with multiples too! I’ll do some routine blood work and a bedside ultrasound just to be safe. Her blood glucose, meaning her blood sugar level, was normal so she didn’t faint because of lack of sustenance.”

hank goodness. Now, I could exhale.

er. Chasity’s parents looked relieved but tense. I had known family therapy would be nothing but a fiasco. If I had known, my goddess would end up f

ives were discussing something over mind-link.

ore ushering her mate and her father out of the room.

d I exchanged loo


was okay. I could almost breathe

nt Chasity and myself were the future parents.

alix were so f

a device shaped like a flashlight. “This is a doppler.”

my babies’ heartbeats,” I said, remembering that word from Cha

one at a time. She pronounced them normal. My brothers and I let out a coll


Said Calix incredulously. “You mean my pups,” said Baby Boy Calix boldly.



quit it,” snapped Alex.

as lying in a hospital bed. I moved closer to the bed and took one of Chasity’s soft small

When wi

” replied the doctor.

nd my baby’s bed, anxiously awaiting any sign of movement other than the rise and fall of her chest. The doctor and nurse had vacated the room to give us some privacy, since Chasity was stable. No one said anything. We waited in complete silence, sans the beeping of the monitors. I could tell th

to smooth things over with Chasity’s Dad before she wakes up? W

against it.

think we should let him cool off a little

*k but I prefer this tense silence to another shouting match, especially when m

ed her eyes. Relief washed over me.


. My wolf and I had been worried sick. I helped her to sit up. Before I could even ask my Luna how she was feeling, C

sister. Since when w

cal. No one reacted except Calix, who growled in response to the insult directed at our mother. My youngest brother was so close to our mother that it was difficult for him to see the forest for the trees. Felix and I obviously loved our mother too, but it was obvious that she had behaved reprehensibly. I hid my annoyance at Chase calling her a ‘monster’ because her treatment of my Luna was indefensible. Chase snarled instinctively at Calix.


ned by Chase and Chalice and mistreated by my own parents and even myself and my brothers. I squirmed a little as a pang of guilt lanced its way through me. Chasity had forgiven me, but I wasn’t sure if I could ever completely forgive myself.

Felix had said ‘my bride’.

Children!” Adde

ding list of self-help books for new parents.

Chase, Chalice and Chance all in unison.

hers. She gave my hand a little squeeze.

ommotion, it totally slipped my mind to tell anyone about it yet. I am having triplets,” announced Chasity.

er gasped, her eyes wide. “I don’t envy you, Honey, that’s one tough labour of love,” said Chalice, looking

ut I was prepared to spare no expense and to take every precaution. Chasity audibly gulped. It was my turn to give her hand a little comforting squeeze.


e most unconvincing tone.

emed to be the only one of Chasity’s relatives not visibly worried.

e way, Chasity. I promise to be a great Grandpa to these triplets!” He joked.

able to take her home soon.

arily explaining his joke.

ighed, looking at

ing to hold back the emotion in my voice.

had gotten to me. Nothing upset me more than the thought of losing my Luna.

my everything,” I mumbled into her abdomen.

rivate mind-link.

ised my head slightly to meet her doe eyes. There was so much love reflected in them and it warmed me to my core. If her relatives hadn’t been there,

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  1. Are you making the Alphas into an actual book like your first published one? I really love it and hope you continue to do so as I would totally buy them

  2. Cant wait for more, honestly you created a nice balanced and functioning relationship with Chasity and her Triplet alphas. I dont even have favorite anymore because she should have all three of them.

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