I Shouldn’t Love Him (Book 2) – Chapter 71


I woke up before anyone else, even Hannah, and sat up in bed. My hair had dried but was tangled from my midnight bath. And from Manning’s hands. The memory, only six hours fresh, made my stomach tighten. So that’s what it was all about. That was why Tiffany was always flirting with boys. Mouths. Hands. Hardness and softness. Adrenaline.

We almost got caught. We had almost gone too far. To be enveloped in Manning, to belong to him – I didn’t see how that could ever be far enough away.

never wanted it to end, but still, I smiled.

at me.

“No,” I said immediat


n’t there.


that’s it.

to send them home with what they brought. Gary wants us to start packing before breakfast. Some girls were getting agitated.

he going to do ? Send us home? »

ss of hair on top of her head, watching me move around the cabin.

man.” Some of the girls laughed. They woke up confused but smiling, just like Hannah and I had.

an outside and started shaking our hips.

dance alone?” I called.

booth yelled at us to shut up, but we continued dancing. It was a beautiful morning, and I was filled with memories of last night. Brimming with t

ark circles under his eyes, probably like me. We fell into step next to each other and slowed down, lagging behind. “Your hair is a mess,” he told me.

washed it yet.”





woven earlier in the week.

from my palm, twisting it between his fingers. “What is this

t for us.

. .”

ry time you


ou seem really good at not smoking in front

cted the bracelet,

They reminded me of you. I smiled. “But you don’t have to wear it. Just keep it in your pocket or somethin

l like smoking, I take it out and look at it?”

out me.”


ing held out his hand and I placed it on him.

looked at the bracelets stacked all a


re’s the gold one?” » He asked. “I left

move to leave either. But another cabin appeared behind us: Tiffany and her daughters. Not only were they on time, but they were also on a straight line.

last night, I promised myself I’d never be alone with you again. Yet here we are, not even seven hours later. “

ooking at Tiffany. “But I’ll give it to you later.”

could even be made me even more dizzy. “Later then.”

campers. Close your eyes. Breathe in the morning. Appreciate your existence. Let’s all say thank you for such a beautiful day.


st man. For the first time I knew, he had looked at me during Reflection.

t he was, I just couldn’t say it. But he knew. I knew.

continued. “Sometimes we get consumed by the TV or get caught up in issues that don’t matter. Sometimes we let our friends and family dictate our mindset. When you wake up tomorrow, even if you are at home, continue this practice of being grateful for what you have and for the gift of the day to come. Be calm. Be grateful.”


rld. Last night, for one. Riding with Manning. And perhaps my favorite of all, our time under the stars as he showed me the constellations. But it wasn’t like I could say anything.

ven spending time with my sister. It was exciting to stand in front of the crowds and perform skits at the nightly campfires.

ped as I immediately thought of last night. I looked at Manning. He was talking to a child but his eyes were fixed on the officers.

it had nothing to do with Manning and me, but I couldn’t ignore the coincidence. Last night was the first time I was close to getting in trouble with the police, and they were back.

tched Gary cross the dirt towards the police officers.

ored her.

y closed their circle, speaking with their heads bowed.


beneath me.

his bed. Behind him came a few other permanent staff members who I recognized but couldn’t name. Manning finally turned to me and slowly shook his head. No, I could only guess what he meant. Don’t look at him. Do not say anything. Don’t act suspiciously. To show him that I was adult enough to handle this, I took a well-deserved deep breath, tore my gaze away from him and turned to my daughters.

pened,” I said solemnly.

idened. “What?”

uck candy into the cabin, even though Gary warned us not to.”

mouth. “Will they arrest the culprit?

ed. My face was stiff. I felt like I could throw up at any moment. “I tried to tell you

asped. “We didn’t. We cursed.

een Manning,” Hannah said

ng and Hannah was the closest. “

hat Gary had to say, but my feet felt like concrete, as if Manning’s withering gaze had stuck me to the spot. And everyone in the camp was watching.

ding Tiffany.

 “I have Skittles in my bag, but my brother said bears don’t eat them.”

to Manning. The entire exchange lasted only a few seconds. Then he came back to relieve Lexi of the work she hadn’t done. “Okay, everyone. Calm. It’s not much.” He smile

lf a plate of food but didn’t touch it. When breakfast was almost fin

was empty, over a hundred children crowded into the mess hall. I went straight to cabin nine and felt a bit of relief to see Manning up

gnized G

the police here?” I asked. Gary walked up to the front porch


 “Manning?” »

in. “I need a second to talk

bably don’t want to keep them waiting.”

ing for me to follow.

of earshot, he stopped. His eyes scanned our imm

t sound good. It sounded bad. I wanted to be strong, but my legs were about to give out. “Why? What’s goi

went to put a hand


head as he spoke. “The reason the cops are here has nothing to do with you.” “What about you?”


of the girls?

he party, you went straight to your cabin and fell asleep. Then you woke up this morning. If you feel the need to tell the truth, don’t do it without talking to me first.

y would anyone ask me where I w

. Your only job is to protect yourself. Mine

apped, my face tingling. “My sis

a lot of time.

hat and send me away. Where are you going?”

hey’re taking me to

coherent answer so I just nodded.

n,” he said. I wanted something. Anything. A kiss. A hug. I would have taken a pat on the back. All I got was a hard look. “It’s an adult thing,” he

eady thought I was. And then I went to get Tiffany.

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