Lyon – Chapter 142

The next morning she questioned me up one side and down the other about my run the day before but I didn’t share. “Why don’t you focus on Thanksgiving babe, isn’t it like in two days or some f**k?”

I planned to stay around the house today and the kids were staying home. They were going on break in a few days anyway so it shouldn’t matter.

“No, I want you to tell me why we took the kids outta school and why Tommy and the others have been staked out in my kitchen all night.”


” I hated that tremble in h

“No baby, you know I would never let anything happen to you, but there’s some shit going on that I thought it best to have my family where I can keep eyes on them for the tim

ife I’d carved out for me and mine.

their destruction will be ten times worse.

ometimes she sees too damn much.

and fear I saw in her eyes.

toast marshmallows or some girly shit. Maybe I’ll take the boys for a run on their ATVs, you think they’d like that? We’ll wait and see what our little pre-convict wants to do because you can be sure it’s neith

g apart, she knew me as well as I knew her. It was getting harder and harder to tell her not to worry and have her actually listen, but I was gonna try.




him all that day and the next as he hovered around me, and the kids like he was expecting us to disappear any second. I would call Law again and grill him

thing. They ran around the house like hooligans all except Caitie. Since Todd was leaving in a little over a month, the only time she had with him really was at school and when he came over in the evenings to do homework together.

maniac. I tried not to worry and by midday of day two, when nothing happened, I let myself breathe again.

were closed off in the study for hours and I still didn’t know what was going on.

for the annual dinner that had somehow gravitated to our home instead of his parents. The house was usually like a revolving door on that day since we had everyone over including the crew.

dn’t resist pulling his chain. “No that’s okay, you always forget something I think I should go, I should’ve already taken care of this by now but things have been so crazy lately”

know there was what sounded like ten bikes pulling into the driveway. “This is the limit, Colton what is going on?”

worry about.” Yeah, I believe that. We looked like a motorcade on the way to the damn supermarket but my husband, who drove like we were on the run was still trying to convince me that all was right in our world.

hat didn’t stop me from wanting to know just what we were facing.

something was going on with all the changes?

at once; the place was full.

re were something for you to worry about I would tell you. We straight?”

romise me that you’re not gonna be hurt either.”


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