Lyon – Chapter 162

I’ve outsmarted Kat’s a*s all these years, her ringers aren’t going to get anything over on me. So far I’ve been lucky, they’re all good kidsand then there’s the little one.

I eyed the backseat to make sure Hitler’s youth wasn’t doing some shit back there that she wasn’t supposed to, before turning my attention back to my firstborn.

“How’s school going?” I addressed the question to both of them. Caitlin just shrugged but the terror in the back had a lot to say.

ay of the week. “They’re gonna put you away the next time you get caught do

these new uncles and aunts to spoil her demented a*s.

’s some sort of prodigy and keep sending her shit.

here for the sole purpose of driving my a*s nuts.

r smarts that scares me most of all. I know she’s got me beat and I’m no dummy. F*****g kid is going to keep me on my a*s for the rest of my life.

ing about how intelligent their little spawns

already fearing her teen years and the kid’s not even six yet. That just goes to show what kind of pressure I’m under.

e paying attention to the road and hoping we made it through dinner without any mishaps. F**k!

mn hair out of my head.


ed, I like all of them. Who’s gonna help me choose?”

witzerland. Preferably something far from civilization with high sec

the evening hadn’t even started. F*****g Kat

r rides and relaxed. Ever since I got tangled up with the SEALs and their fuckery I keep my kids and my wife under heavy guard.

ed up some of the mess but there was still more to be done and the shit was taking way too long for my liking.

ways have some shit going on.

ne good thing about all these new people in our lives is that Kat now has other women she can gab with all damn day and stay her a*s outta my shi

new she couldn’t get into shit because their men, like me, know how the f**k to train their women.

ght in the beginning. But this bunch seems to be more trouble than Elena and her hen pack. F*****g females.

annoying the shit out of her sister.

That’s polite. Too bad that shit don’t work on this one. “I’m not, I’m

ng kid! This is the reason why at least once a week I have to save her from one of her siblings. Her mind

cited about being out with their old man to get into shit.

to change states.

she was sitting with her hands folded in her lap waiting for me to come get her. This kid!

e had just spent the last ten minutes harassing her.

now it pisses her off that I wouldn’t l

a vicious cycle.

ps telling me that I can’t smother them and yadda-yadda-yadda. But I d

ght home girl children.

d her dress and patted her purse. I forgot to look fo

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