Lyon – Chapter 176

“Colton something’s wrong, Catalina didn’t get off the bus.”

“What the f**k are you saying? Where are the others?”

“Everyone else is here except her.”

e that she wasn’t on the bus?”


dot that showed me where she was.

ne we knew, because no one would take one of my kids without me, or their mother knowing.

ed ice cold. This f**k is dead!

mine. I refuse to let panic set in, did not let myself think or imagine what my little girl was feeling.

up ahead and pushed my bike even harder.

ck for him while my boys closed in from behind. He didn’t have any choice but to stop when I pointed my glock at him through the windshield.

lugged the f**k in the face and threw him to the ground.

her close while my heart beat me to death.

ars from my throat and squeezed her.

oked like my boys had already started in on him.

o this if you’re gonna go soft on me.”

my kids you’re carrying.”

eath. I held my own hoping that she could hang in there until I got to her. “What do

he f**k out, my kid was in danger, and I couldn’t be there to comfort her. Not a good place for me to be.

ands on my kid. I don’t need the nosy a*s law in my shit.

er in it and tying the sleeves around my middle to tie her onto me.

of her weight pressed into my back, but I still asked my boys who were following behind.

as leading the a*****e to await his fate. Every once in a while Jared or Tommy or one of th

o rectify that shit.

ng back to town and made it to the hospital in ten minutes. Half the guys had stayed back there to deal with the would be kidnapper and the other h

her off and I took her from his arms as soon as I was off my ride. We hit the hospital doors at a run. People were staring and nurses stopped what they we

I need help now.” Someone took her from me and ran down the hallway to a room with m

I wasn’t going anywhere. The doctor came in and started barking out orders.

her to keep her quiet.” No one said anything else

ng on her. “I’m not leaving her they can wait.”

lready told them.” He closed the door and left. Te

big girl.”

ou know what?”

the hair back from her face.

odded my head. I can’t protect her from this. I can’t make this disappear from her memor

e doctor came in after the first one checked Mengele’s eyes and her reactions before reassuring me

to ask your daughter some questions sir.

ve it a squeeze.

e hadn’t had her long enough to do much damage, it was still good to hear my little girl say it in her clear precise voice.

m him when he said he knew where her friend was, he’d blown something in her face.

ke it all?”

kid. I leaned over to her ear. “That’s my brave girl.” The doctor got up to leave and Catalina’s eyes started to droo

ack in and told me it was okay for he

ly was there, just arriving. I grabbed my wife when she flew into my arms.

got a complaint about a drugged kid?”

drugged her to keep her quiet.”

ole been living under a rock?

gure he heard us coming and ditched her to get away.” I didn’t e

now, somewhere

ting on my nerves.

the wrong thing to me a*****e. Give me a reason.

e truth of what you’re saying sir. You don’t expect me to just take your word for it do you?”

with the law, fuckers always get shit wrong. “Who the f**k called you anyway?”

in sir. Now where were you?”

If you don’t get the fuc

ther in law stepped in between us and saved the a*****e from getting his head bashed in.

daughter, this is my son in law.”

d away an

sitting in there crying her eyes out. She turned red swollen eyes to me. “I was so scared Colt.”

baby! Come ‘ere.”

kes passed. Dad came into the room to talk to me. “They’re gonna keep her overnight son.”

on my shoulder and squeezed.

home with”

ton, don’t make me go.” She grabbed the front of my shirt. I gritted my teeth an

way she clutched her stomach and cri

tion. Her mother and mine came rushing in. Drake was still working the case.

d the doctor.

. My kid was down the hall in danger while my wife had gone into labor with a high risk pregnancy.

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