Lyon – Chapter 7

Well, I couldn’t find a good enough excuse to get out of coming to the BBQ, so by Sunday evening, yes the last minute, I found myself in the nearest town shopping, something I used to love, but haven’t had any interest in for a while.

Everything seemed foreign as I perused the shops, like I’d forgotten how it was done. The last sales girl wasn’t much older than I in this one place, and she was super helpful.

She was all about body structure and what looked best on which frame, but I just needed a pair of jeans and some chucks, that’s all.

ed to argue that the shoes weren’t suitable for a BBQ, Susan, the helpful shopper, told me the outfit wouldn’t work with anything else.

rst seeing me.


one a long way to making me feel good.

egged him to stop, and of course I still wasn’t brave enough to drive to a strange place alone, so he offered to take me and pick me up afterward, cool.


ss everywhere and spirals and turrets and flowers and birds and what the heck?

ef, what you bring me?”

dad, until I got a good look. She must be my age but she was tiny, like me, and she had the most infectious smile on her face.

, Ca


d down.

alert her to the fact that she was one step away from br

ly, we meet

l save you a plate.”

’d better.”

e human dynamo dragged me away.

o the next without taking a breath.

to deafen ten people.

on you.” She got out curling irons and hair spray and goop and went to work.



e I’d hit my head.

en years ago?”

ttacked my hair with the hot iron.

ted in on my eyes. I don’t know what smoky sexy meant, and wasn’t sure I wanted to, but I must s

er and dreamy, and I don’t even want to think about it. All I kept thinking was I hope Colton will be here, and why wouldn’t he, it was his family’s BBQ after all.

t of him seeing me like this. I just knew I wanted him to.

alone while she gabbed on and on about everything under the sun, girl was a t

s up, and he almost made me cry when he whispered

I go find your mom and introduce myself?”

hope that’s what she’s doing. Where’s my dad?”

t us some juice as she pointed ou

doing more than looking at me. Somehow I knew, before I turned, who it would be.




ck me…”


the beady eye like he t

to kill you.”

t, somehow I wasn’t though. If she had all that going on, then why the f**k was she hiding under those butt ugly suits?

good, who the f**k is Katarina Sloane?” I gave him my signature glare to let him know I meant business. I wanted to know what the f**k was going on, and I wanted to know now.

e look at her. F**k she was hot,

ers noticing it too, f**k

, we’ll talk later.” I left him dumbfounded as I hea

ol,… let’s go.”


privacy for this.





ep, get back here

s again?”


know, but the kids…”

being a hippie, and have you seen your son, half the boy’s body tells a story.”

aid ‘let the kids make their own way, let them be happy doing what they like’.”

, our kids are weed heads.”

id we get off track? Br

so bad.


ng at your a*s for over thirty years, and it just

y face is on f

l, make it quick.”

seconds. My guy has never let me down in over thirty years.

owgirl.” He’s such a freak


ow what I’d been up to, except my nosy kids. I’ll just have to avoid them for a little bit.

down. Thank God I’d left Daniel in the shower when I did, crazy man.

ake me sick.”

lous bitc

ed back down.

s sweet as pie. A little young, but what the heck, I got married when I was her age.”

ord about the wedding. You know how these kids are today, jitt

t eh, Elena.”

ms, but I do have the venue picked out.” Char laughed her a*s off. I know the perfect place.




a hurry?”

of sight of all these people.”

my stumps?

beating fast, yes, but not with fear only with excitement.

ames that climbed up the side of his neck.

eaded to the house, but he pulled me around the side out of sight of the others and push


h his hand. I crossed my legs and started rubbing them together like a cricket. What! I couldn’t help it, he was being all

the f**k, Sloane, what are you doi


th his eyes glaring at me, and oh merciful heavens I’m going to combust.


around. What, is, this?”

thes, why the f**k you been coming to my place looking like Broom

e gave a little squeeze and then let go.


dn’t even realize I was doing th

e minutes before you kill me.

e disguise?”

’m not ready to talk about it.”

d you.”

efore I was crushed against his chest,

had a hold of my a*s and were kneading. I purred, he growled, I came.


ere, too many people.”


the open, for anyone to come along and see, and my hands were pulling fistfuls of his hair as I rubbe

, way to break out of your shell



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