Lyon – Chapter 73

That night had a whole new meaning for me when I took her to bed. We’d be flying out to a little island off the coast of France for our honeymoon in a few days, but tonight we were in the honeymoon suite of the top hotel in the city.

I was almost afraid to touch her; how the f**k did you touch your pregnant wife? I’ve only ever really f****d her, okay we’ve had our moments of lovemaking but even those were a little on the kinky side. I think I needed to go gentle now though.

The f*****g dress had a million buttons and the shits were tiny as f**k. Kat laughed at me when I cussed a blue streak because my fingers were too big. I wonder how funny she’d find it if I tore that shit off.

e her; f**k could I love her anymore than I did right now?

ront, which was still flat if you asked me.

k am I supposed to touch you?” She broke into laughter and I f*****g scowled.

s just, your mom said your father said the same thing when she was carrying you.”

? That’s just all kinds a f****d up baby.”

was just trying to prepar


ur meltdowns.”

he f**k?”

me with my c**k already in her throat.

ll about pregnancies and going slow when she took my ball

ragged the pins out of her hair with m

ad her open to accept me. So much for taking it slow.

sent my c**k deeper into her p***y.

to me by my hold on her tits.

hhh.” I left off holding her tits and pulled her hair roughly back with one hand while tweaking her clit with the other.


which meant I’d nailed her within the first month I’d touched her. The doctor said it

e back her stomach suddenly popped out of nowhere.

Tina and Char on my a*s twenty four seven.

plump little ball of horniness, it’s a wonder we ever got shit done as much time as I spent f*****g her greedy a*s. My house had become estrogen central, I’m not su

at least once before bedtime.

well get that shit now because if my crew was to be belie

cked if I know what to do with a girl.


ghter?” I was hyperventilating and my father the smoking doctor was having one of his philosophical moments, why was this dud

el would yo

of my freedoms there chief?”

s every time I’m within two feet of you.”

What the f**k did I just say? I’d lost my f*****g mind.

ich will be here in two months which was a whole two months after our wedding which had been amazin

ar happy as f**k.

many more after.”

n on it.

ping me?”

because you’re acti

omach where that gnawing pain had started ever since I’d heard the words you’re having a little girl. Why me?

n, you’ve already made us look bad enough already stay your sorry a*s out


uck if I care.

ughter. I need sons, only sons, I haven’t the first clue what to do with a daughter.

to find your balls.” It wasn’t right to want to pop your old man one was it? She came over to me and I could tell she was trying hard not to laugh in

ss of yourself for one day.’ What the f**k ever.

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