Lyon – Chapter 9

“Char, what the hell did you see?”

“Hurt, she’s hurt and hurt bad, El. I didn’t see the whole of whatever happened. You know how I pick up emotions sometimes. Well, our new little sister had some shit thrown at her.”

Char shook her head as we headed for the liquor cabinet. I had a couple hundred people in my backyard where I should be playing hostess, but like doc said ‘they’ll keep’.

s father incarnate. Though I think Daniel got a little more of t

good boy, I’m sure he’ll d

e started jumping up a

e you two hens cackling about now?”

lk tee. His hair was still wet from his shower, and he’d splashed on his special after shave.

ington state, for making weed legal. Other people get hungry, sleepy, or happy, but my man gets horny.


as trying to do my husband for the last thirty years or so.

wife into now?”

basically starts most of the shit we get into.”

lub?” I gave her my innocent as a lamb smile.

f shit with that one, El, now what gives?”

ew friend.”

y, I have an idea, if you and the rest of your posse are going to be dancing around in circles later around the bonfire, then why don’t we just light some weed instead of wood?”

ll you be getting all that weed?”

en start on Carol and her teenage crew, I bet we have enough to start ten fires.”

aughed as he headed towards the kitchen and the back door

at Colton will take care of little Katarina, and we’re going to stay out of it.”

k that.”


now from your reaction, and h

. Can you believe those fucktards in DC let that bill die? Bunch of redneck f***s.”

we start lopping off dicks.”

ed hubby that this year we’ll behave.” She shook her head as she downed her tequila shot.




tered a sound. So that’s why I almost jumped out of my skin when her soft, scratchy voice started.

n’t make it, but then I got my stuff done earlier than expected, and I changed my mind at the last minute.”

her inhibitions down.”

ere gone for the weekend, and

over before college.”

home alone…”

ng, and I grew tense. I knew that whatever was coming was going to be bad, and I tried to prepare for it. My natural instinct would be anger and the need for action, but she didn’t need to see that ri

o go on. I wanted it done, and wanted her to tell me all of it, so I would know what I was dealing with.

aid the refrigerator, but I didn’t turn on the light. I’d been there so many times I pretty much knew the layout of the whole house.

y back when I heard noises at the door. I was gonna go see who was there. I thought maybe her parents had changed their minds and were coming

stopped me from doing that,…I saw them come in, four of them, and they were high or drunk I’m not sure which. They were grinning and high fiving each other, and they di

ake, and my heart hurt as my stomach lurched. F**k.

to describe.

mergency, but I couldn’t speak.

ing. I was frozen in place.

one of them ran down the stairs.

I fought, but then they caught me by my hair.”

she gazed off into space, lost in that time, back the

finally got my clothes off the police were there.”


o bad, her poor body was broken…she killed herself three days after getting out of the hospital.”

ylor was never charged. He was on anti depressants, or something like that, and they say it made him do things, and the o

my mind raced. What she’d described was beyond ho

nd washes the other. I’ll get my feelers out by tomorrow, and the three behind bars will have to be dealt with by other hands, but Taylor, that little mother fucker was mine.

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