Mated To The Cold Hearted Alpha – Chapter 123

“Diversion?” Sydney suggested. “A false trail to stall us.”

“Maybe,” I acknowledged.

As I contemplated, the biker Luca had referred to as Frank walked to a nearby table with an open laptop. He sat down, his fingers running across the keys, before grunting, “What’s the address, Tommy?”

r. The caller rattled off an address. Tommy relayed it back to Frank whose fingers flew across the keyboard.

nd I walked to stand behind Frank. His spine tensed at our approach, but he didn’t take his attention away from the monitor. Placing a finger on the screen, he muttered, “Here

d intentl

keyed in the information. Lips pressed into a hard line, he mu

wouldn’t make it that easy for me to find him.

en where?

iraling. I gritted my teeth to contain him. I hated the delay as much as he did, but we needed to be smart.



friends or family, righ

ential profiles appeared. I turned to Luca. “Come here.”



esting on Frank’s shoulder, he studied the screen intently.

n slowly. “These are all

of them.”

aybe Luca will recognize one of the friends.”

ron Martin’s.

ned in even closer. “Stop!”

e. We pressed forward, staring intently at the screen.

creen. “That looks like the vehicle!” He pointed at an image of Cameron Martin with three other males standing in front of a large black SUV. The image was backlit putting their faces in shadow.


Ever ground out. “Did you see the size of them?”

d list and began to scroll.

, pointing at the screen excitedly, “There! Him!”

rank called over his shoulder to Tommy

Brother,” Frank read from the screen.

shole ASAP.”

ller replied and then

d to run through the friends lis

ot something for ya.”

layed the address out loud. Frank quickly opened another window and keyed in the address

o hours east,” Frank agreed.



d in to study it with me. He pointed at the second location on the screen. “There is more natural terr

eally wanted to, Dagger could have hidden his tracks much better.”

t of me thinks Dagger wants you to find him.”

But I couldn’t respond to his words, not then and keep my sanity at the same time. Besides, my response to his point wasn’t really required. We bot

nce she’ll be there.”


ydney. “Take the remaining men t

he location in her phone.

oing with you,” Luca took a ste

“Where he goes, we go.”

d quickly. “It’s far too dangerous.”

t’s pretty fuckin’ obvious there’s somethin’ different with all of you. I don’t know what it is, and I’m not sure I want to

question in his eyes. Tommy followed his questioning gaze.


would deal with it then.

o it.” I

nds wrapped in fingerless leather gloves, Tommy cracked his knuckles as he ordered the other two. The muscles in his tatted

ey had no idea what foe they were up against, but if any human had a chance against wolves, they had the necessary physique to pull it off. Not to mention, they’d survived Dagger’s

By the time you arrive, Ever and I will be about forty-five minutes to the East of you. If Hycinth is at your location and not in imminent danger, contact me and don’t engage unless you have to.”

“Understood,” Sydney replied

t the door…

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