Mated To The Cold Hearted Alpha – Chapter 150

The cabin door opened just wide enough for Sydney to slip inside. Cool blue eyes flickering to take in the scene around her, Sydney naturally settled into the chair across the room and waited for me to speak.

Not wanting to risk stressing Hycinth, I continued to use the mind link, “I need you to stay with her tomorrow night.”

Sydney nodded, no break in her stoic expression, ever diligent to her duties. But I knew her better than that. The slightest twitch of pain in her eyes didn’t escape my attention, revealing her struggle just as all of us mourned such a heavy loss.

e heart of the matter.

er began to plan, “For those hours, we could increase the Sentinels in number and tighten the perimeter around the cabin. Additionally, the bikers-“

ed her, an eyebrow going up.

alty has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. They cared for her and Luca long before we came into the picture.”

always staring at her tits”, I think were his exact words. “I muttered. I hadn’t forgotten Luca’s little revelation in that regard, but the time to address it certainly hadn’t been appropriate yet.

me. Having been intimately exposed to your unique brand of um, ‘violence’…and witnessing your possessiveness toward your shewolf, I cannot imagine him making any sort of play for her affections


walking out the door.

hour to help me through feeding Hycinth again. As the pump was gently pushi

e, Grace motioned toward one of the bags that she returned with her. “I thought you might feel that way so I had a warmer delivered. It’s in that bag. If we plug it in now, they should be ready before she needs to be changed again.”

d through the supplies until I found it. It only took a minute to get it out of the box, assembled with the wipes and plugged in.

breathing, I blurted out, “I don’t want to put the diaper on her tonight.”

er eyes.

or healing…and I needed it to keep me from going insane.

e a bowel movement in that amount of extended time.”

ng her private areas just as he would in the wild. In this, I had to agree. “I understand that. It matters not.”


liking the idea.

I do need to inspect them in regards to her healing.”

ed, taking the small cloth. “I checked both times as well.”

on so I could dry those areas thoroughly and then Grace spent a minute assessing the nearly-healed wounds just as I had earlier. Satisfied with the results, Grace released Hycinth’s leg gently to the bed. “Do you need anything else from me tonight?”

the large bed next to Hycinth. My entire body relaxed once there was nothing left between us. Skin-on-skin. Gently holding her close in the dark, my mind reached out to the immediate vicinity, checking the security around us, “Ever?”

r,” came the instant reply

u have it under control.”

,” he swore fiercely.

, giving in to sheer exhaustion.

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