Mated To The Cold Hearted Alpha – Chapter 3


“Why?!!!” I roared out my frustration and prowled across the room like a caged animal, then back again, stopping only to hurl a bottle of hundred-year-old Scotch across the room at a bookcase. I watched the glass break, amber liquid saturating the books and yelled at the top of my lungs, “Why her?! Why couldn’t it be anybody but her?!” Clearly, the Moon had it out for me, the sly bitch. Because there was no more hilarious mistake than making that female my mate!

My father sat reclined in a comfortable chair, utterly unaffected by my foul mood. When he could get a word in edgewise, he asked evenly, “Are you ready to tell me why you’re having a temper tantrum like a two-year-old and destroying the study?”

nd flashed fang

d, and he was feared.

hat I was currently not interested in a fist fight, but I might take him up on it later, should my frustration push me over the edge.

f that nonsense in my head without me speaking, and returned to his chair. He sipped his whiskey and used the


his continued powerful physique, the loss of his mate, my mother, haunted his eyes and vexed his soul, leaving him a shell of his former self.



curled on my face.

le whore instead.

the time.

er idea.

ro interest in touching juvenile shewolves.

be otherwise. I wondered if she’d even shifted yet. My Wolf rumbled his appreciation. He liked her untouched innocence. He licked his lips at the thought of running his tongue over that sweet flesh when we made her ours. I roll

d. Not chained to my but I could find some suitable place to put her on display as my little pet. Hmm…so many possibilities.

conversation you’re having in your head or not?”

ed me.


now. Because the young lady in question is none other than the daughter of the late, great Alpha of the Diamonte Pack!”


ace, a result of our longtime feud with the Diamonte Pack. He’d fought against them many years before I had.

as if he was waiting for me to admit it was all a sick joke. I wish. When that didn’t happen, he sat back and he exhaled heavily, “Shit.

sarcasm now.

to reject her. Send her away, or imprisoned her if you can’t kill her. But she cannot be

burden of the situation wearing hard on my shoulders, “You know I can’t do that. It isn’t just my future at stake here. You know

ut he remained silent. He knew I spoke the truth.

uld do.

o achieve heat or had tried multiple times without success.

y were more powerful, had more strength. Some even had unique gifts. All pups were cherished, but these pups were coveted. Even jus

took seriously.

unmated males because the entire pack of mated pairs would gather around the exterior, protecting and waiting.

ould begin.

read over our skin. Arms, legs, torso, everywhere we could.

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