Mated To The Cold Hearted Alpha – Chapter 93

When daylight broke, Hycinth stirred beneath the covers. Not quite awake, she instinctually reached for my side of the bed. Finding it empty, she sat up and looked around the room. Hair disheveled, confusion colored her expression for a moment until her eyes rested on me. And then, I could see her remember that today wasn’t like our previous days.

Today, she was leaving me. Her face fell.

Without speaking, she got up and went into the bathroom.

an uneasy pit in my stomach.

to my feet, I walked across the room to h

rom coming any closer. “Leander, I can’t.”

you something.”

atures. “What is it?” she asked softly.

art twisted painfully in my chest.

nk that just maybe I could change her mind with this conversation. But would she even bel

f my chaotic thoughts. Time to consider was gone. I just needed to tell her.

my mother.”

but when it came, it most certainly w


ent was surprise.

kipped a beat, the truth ripping my chest wide open. I’d assumed Hycinth was unaware of the horrible things her father had done. But her reaction attested ot


was sile

nced and faltering.

as to be beyond repair as her mate?

isjudged her innocence? Missed such a vital detail? I never once questioned her culpability. But in retrospect, it was glaringly obvious. Who in their right mind wouldn’t confront their par

ped brokenly from my throat,

told me,” she wh

olence. I’m sorry…you had to find her like that and lost her…in tha

ds clenched into fists, I took a step forward and snarled, “And yet my action

istance between us.

our packs started long before us. The killing and subsequent retribution has occurred on both sides for many years. But if I accept your reasoning for killing my father -because he killed your mother -then, using the same logic, the outcome is not my mating you,

pravity…to any other act of war.


egardless of the bond or my feelings.”

illed again.

It t

. Howling his agony in my head, my Wolf was unable to accept her answer, but even he could see there was no hope l

my insides.


back to avoid her touch.

rply and dropped her han

let her touch me. Not now. Never again.

into tiny pieces. I would be lucky to survive his devasta

e you no time at all to find someone else.”


my throat was locked tight. There was no air left my lungs.

r forlornly through my eyes, silently begging her not to leave him. He didn’t understand why his mate didn’t want him. What had he done so wrong that she couldn’t love him? Was he that worthless…that unlovable?

ken him beyond repair.

could fe

arshly, knowing the truth…the horrible pain and torture they’d inflicted on my mother?

hey were my parents, wouldn’t you?”

know the answer.”

ether in my chest. “You’re damn straight I would make the

possibly think anything else?

idn’t drag it out, laughing and enjoying myself as they did while spilling the blood of an innocent,” I spat.

dn’t do this.


her word, I spun around and strode out the d

illusion I’d loved and fought so hard for…and lost.

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