My Mate Is A Human – Chapter 14

-Shery, where have you been?

-I’ll explain later, now help me up.

-Yeah sure let’s go. Shit you look like shit!

d him with a dry blanket. She gathered up all the wet clothes in the bathroom and found him a clean nightgown.

a long time to get here.


of things, Eve.

ing her to comfort her. She was happy to have her back but not this

hat happened. Who did all this to yo

u never tell me anything, you’ve been missing for two days and you arrive in this state. My nerves are on edge and you don’t know the things that have happened here.

happened to you here? He said, touching his forehead.

d! That’s


d in the other room.

for hours.

own Eve, tell

me where have you been?

I don’t know why Eve did it, anyway when I felt better I came back. I’m very sorry.

y for you sister, everything you had to go through was horrible.

hat. If they did Eve could


I sai

you, all bruised and purple.

had two stitches, but they were bleeding.

want you to go out.

u to tell me who is that young man?

what happened here?

ing very bad happened in there, I’m scared.

omething like that happening in the house, now more than ever they had to get out of there, and with her injured it would be more tedious

et the first aid kit to fix you up.

out of that house.

eak in and get the girl out.

said his friend.


back later.

I don’t want to leave her here.

en to her”.

ck for her.

re grabbing the doorknob he smiled bitterly. Inside the house he was greeted by a somewhat drunken Steven.

nished business.

lready taken care of. Where are my women?

e room.



ome on, let’s talk.

urb them there.


ters. -But…

-Well, Eve’s not quite the right age yet, I thought

with me. -I’ll take them anyway. I



ll right.

old her that after school he would pick them both up the next day. But what they didn’t know was, they were being l

ear so powerful that his legs threatened to give out on him before he could sit up in bed.

as torrential, as if it would never end, it looked

s watching her as she still had her back to her.

hat h

r sister prevented her from doing so by sitting her back up as she did too.




t man will come for us.

ing to wait any longer, that he would take care of us.

y and made her sit down again.


kit. The stinging of the antiseptic didn’t hurt at all, with so many problems in her head she was a nervous wreck. After a few minutes she was ready with a new bandage.

burden of several bags.

d as she asked, first looking for the money. But it took her a long time to ge

ery! This is se





der the bed empty-handed.

have got in her

one who could have done it.

he doesn’t have the key, and i

are we going to do now?

for the tremendous problem that was coming.

bulb came on.

rest with the boy who saved her,” she was sure he could help her escape or at least hide. It was crazy to think som

e Daren’s slaves and that wouldn’t happen as long as she lived. They would wait until the morning when everyone else was gone before they left for that little cabin.

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