My Mate Is A Human – Chapter 21

-My lord, forgive me for interrupting, but you must know that Derek is in agony.

-Did they get out of hand or what? He said rubbing the bridge of his nose.

-Emm… Yes sir. Said the young man with his head down.

do everything myself, I’m surrounded by a bunch of useless people. I’m surrounded by a bunch of useless people.

was still alive, or so he hoped.

But his inept men were thrilled with the task.

d with his arms folded.

-Yes sir, but not for long. I don’t think he can take one m

d to the boy who didn’t even move.

ses, and the sound of the wind. It was still cold, but thanks to the sky they still had enough firewood for the whole day. But she didn’t know how long it would last if Ethan didn’t show up with more.

r still dark, only the firelight illuminated the small cabin. Sitting with her back against the door, she felt safe being like this because she could hear everything and also feel if anyone was walking nearby. She thought sleep was overcoming her, she looked at her sister who was sleeping tightly rolled up in a thick blanket. She envied her, she wanted that too but she co

be sure.

stood in front of the door and her heart pounded, that wasn’t a wolf, that was a person. And if he hadn’t knocked on the door yet, it wasn’t Ethan, she thought of her father, there was no way he could have found them. He kept listening, but he couldn’t hear anything. He was just s

ut had a small chimney where the smoke was coming out.

y with a gentle knock on the d


t, you can open the door.

it was not long before dawn, and it had stopped snowing but everything was covered with snowflakes.

there was that curious dog smell again. She always smelled it when he was around, did he have a dog?

me with me. He said, holding out his hand.

crazy, there are

ry, they are far away.


t know it. Come on,

at abou

g all night. Ethan held her hand as he led her to who knows where.

if she confessed she liked that guy, but only a physical taste and nothing more, it’s not like she was blind.

g me?



we can sit.

alk about?

out last night? -Why did y

what you told me.

about the wolves.

elieve myself. We heard some noises and we locked ourselves in and I heard wolves all over the cabin. They rode on the roof but they didn

go out Shery because you always disobey.

dn’t even obey him. Thank you for your concern but we have survived many yea

tell me what’s going on in your house.

don’t want to!

-Why not?


dy in it up to my

to pay you anything.

t to.

you could still see a little water without snow on top of it.

ery little would be more than frozen. She looked at him thinking about why this boy was so good to her, she had never seen him before in her life and out

at the intertwined fingers and then at the face of the owner of this one. He was perfect, hand

n her life she wanted a man to kiss her with her consent.

hanging because through the kiss her body began to take heat from her belly.

ul kiss, each time shortening the distance between them. They couldn’t stop, if they did they might die trying. Something inside them insisted that they would keep doing it until

ow on, she was his partner and he would wait a while to propose to her.

asked sweetly.


her swollen lips.

him, how did you do that?

don’t know. She li

d her sigh deeply, then turn her gaze to the frozen stream.

ou kiss me?

ery clear. He said, smiling at her. -I like

e first time you saw m


on’t know me.

ry. I want to take you home, you and your sister a

by taking care of the two of them he was probably neglecting them.

but not before giving her a look of desire. His sister was awake once they arrived and the look she gave them was very amused, as if she knew what had happened.

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