My Mate Is A Human – Chapter 24

Getting money out of Daren seemed his only option, it was more than clear that he would pay anything for the girls. Otherwise he wouldn’t go to all that trouble to look for her like crazy.

As soon as he got his hands on some of the girls, he would take her hostage, and negotiate with Daren. If he got killed, at least he would be satisfied with ruining his boss’s day by killing one of his precious women. He never really understood why he was obsessed with them. They were sluts like any other. Unless they weren’t, what if they were still pure? That could be a very feasible reason why his boss wanted them intact.

-You’re a son of a bitch, Daren… Very clever, but no cleverer than me.

he was cooking. It was a surprise box that boy, because the smell he was giving off from the kitchen was absolutely wonderful. She didn’t know how hungry she was until the smell of food completely overtook her.

our boyfriend can cook. Her sister whispered

up, they’ll hear you.


loud and clear, as their hearing system was twenty times better than a human’s.


rry I’m lat

there, he said it was very formal to do it through the big door.

time, how nice.

s usual.

than told her.

Hi, girls, good to see

Said the girls in unison

liked what she was seeing. All together in good harmony, it was great. And she thought, this is what it’s like to eat as a family. She wouldn’t change it for the world, but how long would that happiness last for her and her sister.


to make it and her brother made fun of her request since she didn’t even know how to boil water. Shery laughed as she watched the boy tease her sister, because that’s how she was with Eve. So close and so annoying at th

to see them as true friends, a great support. She didn’t feel such a burden anymore, and she was sure she could trust them.

strangers to her, she was beginning to see them as true friends, a great support. She didn’t feel such a burden anymore, and she was sure she could trust them.

wasn’t judging them for anything, even though they didn’t know either of their pasts. But she was sure that if they did, they wouldn

g all right? Ethan asked staring at her.

as just thinking nonsense.


ot really.

that colourful.

ve me, I do.

forget it.

nly opened. In stepped a tall, imposing, mature man, his facial expression indicating that his years of life had been hard. But otherwise, he was very well preserved. You could tell he was an attractive man.


a pair of helpless puppies. But Ethan stood tall and tall. What was going on? Who was this person?


the boy at once.

for a while.

the man.

t’s go to the office and I’ll explain e

but later. The old man turned and motioned for someone to come forward. -Come in

iting to see who it was. Although the girls had no veil at the funeral. But they were still on the alert. You

een such a person in his whole life. But he felt a kind of rejection from the newcomer, her look told him that they didn’t like her at all. He looked at them with co

i. She’ll be staying at home for a while until her

once and rushed upstairs.

able, your things will be brought later.

u tell me that disgusting humans live in your house?


call them disgust

an that.


uge her eyes out.

can touch a hair on my head, yo

house, is that understood?

no humans.

any more.

man girls one last time with hatred and headed for the stairs.

he didn’t know who she was. But she felt antipathy towards her

her sister the best room, they didn’t know they would have extra guests.

m for the Alpha’s house.

-You’re a pick

or your information.

acket you made, you sound like a spoiled brat to me.

and I don’t mix with humans.

to have to if you’re going to be in this hou

-You’re haughty.

u are a

t along at all. The peace of that home would soon go down the drain.

nk you were very rude to those girls. My dad doesn’t toler

ey him, I was born to be obeyed. -Not in th

oint to the finished bed.

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