My Mate Is A Human – Chapter 41

-What? But that’s three days away. his sister claims.

-It’s for the best. Shery can’t make it to Blue Moon.

-But it’s a long and dangerous trip, dad won’t accept it.

with you. JB


Orders JB.

r me anything.

ey would do. But JB and his sister as much as they loved each other ne

to daddy. You will also tell him the hiding place of that Alpha. I’ll drop Shery off up north and then come back and kill the bastard.

atter what they say.


-Yeah, it’s dangerous, so what? -I’ll go. Shery won’t

the trip. In order to get there faster, they transformed into wolves and Shery climbed on Ethan’s back with all the fear in the world. Then they set off on their journey.

and went straight upstairs to the bedroom, which he found empty.

he shouted angrily.

was in ruins. Daren jumped from the window of the room, shattering the glass.

the ground, raised his snout and sniffed the air. He was looking for her, it would not be difficult to find her. But it wasn’t. She had escaped, but he couldn’t smell her fr

en by rage he walked down the road like a savage, after several minutes he reached the village of the Blue Moon pack but something strange happened. She was not there.

atched the town from a safe distance, to make sure she wasn’t there. But indeed she wasn’t. He had taken her elsewhere. He had taken her elsewhere. He would murder every watchman in his damned house.

ng, Shery was exhausted as she rode on Ethan’s back. It was strange to be riding on top of the guy you like in the form of a huge black dog. It was the first time she had seen him and she was quite surprised when h

is teeth.

just going to the bathroom.

re was no denying it, but he was intimidating with those big blue eyes and those fangs protruding from his snout. She ran into some bushes but the brown she-wolf stopped he

talk to me. He says to the three of them. -I said I’m going to the b

looks away.

-I understand! says the blushing girl. -E


orm deep in the forest. Night had come many hours ago and he grew more and more impatient. Many wolves came and brought him no news of her. And that frustrated him.

lise he was asking for time to get the calf out of the herd.

d have done it years ago, but he was too powerful to touch a hair on his head.

m, he could not present himself as a wolf, it would indicate that he was not in peace.

-Daren, Daren! I told you I don’t want to

l you never rec


g that was going on around him and without even leaving the dam

o be worthy of your re

you want?

the human is.

ooking for information. What about your wolves?

of your business, just answer what I need to know.

d man laughed out loud.

at him. Daren didn’t even move from the spot. He wasn’t afraid of his father, well, if you could call that a father.

ren. And I will enjoy it.


and her friends. She left my lands. And the truth is, I don’t know where she’

ristic glint of his that indicated he was about to lose his patience. Lucian found it fascinating to watch his idiot son lose his


nt. But I’ll tell you one thing

s you too much, I

th blood red, while his fangs slowly protruded.


ran down his bare skin.

ld fucker.

out that you let the heat pass you by because you were looking after that human, I’ll kill

you touch her, you’ll… -Wh

ou don’t have the strength to touch a hair on my

had a son. The old man let go of his collar and turned away from the boy to return to his post.

a son?



ll kill the girl.

ld you

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