My Omega Queen Chapter 36: Return of the King

POV: Emily

I am proud that I managed to repel the attack, especially without losing a single pack member. My anger stems from the fact that these rogues attacked not once, but twice now. This cannot be by chance. These are the conflicting emotions which drive me right now to the dungeon, so that I can find out who organized the attacks. I want to know who is responsible for Grace’s death.

When I finally reach the cave, Alexander, Alexei, Nulduk and Rafael all congratulate me on the defense, as well as capturing the foe. After thanking them, Alexander shows me to the cells in which three rogues are being held. It’s really good that they’re held in separate rooms, as they haven’t had the chance to corroborate their stories. These are the perfect condition for my interrogation, so I request Alexander:


e promptly replies, then leaves.

trying to ignore his obviously broken arms. It seems his injuries were not treated, which is good for me. I start by introducing myself:

s swiftly as your friends. You’re lucky I intervened. Now, I notice you’re in quite some pain. We can treat that. Two of your cohorts are also in holding cells. Listen closely to what I am about to ask and consider how you are going to answer. Who sent you here to attack us?”

ntently to my words, as I see him being in both deep thought and pain. He finally manages to speak weak

he wanted.”

my cool, I need to find out more:

ant you to kidnap? Give me a short description.”

Oh, I see…”

er and it showed. He’s describing me.

n to the next rogue, this time with the knowledge of what to expect. Upon entering, the buff guy in chains growls at me:

t of here, now!”

I try and introduce myself:

, the Lu-“

rudely interrupts.

are you going to set me free?”, his eyes glimme

the truth or lying.”



t him free”, Accalia says.

igins and perhaps the whole story is a farce. But why? Who could it be?

l he gets here. He might extract some more out of them before their inevitable execution.

is kept, regardless of what is going to happen to them. Taking a deep breath, I stroll to Edward’s office, determined to finish the stack of papers by the time he gets back. Thanks to sleeping in the morning, I manage to stay up later than usual and finish quite a large amount of work. “One more day as Queen, then Edward comes back.” I think

. What will he think of what I did here? Will we finally manage to bring the mastermind to justice?

pack history books, so that I can acquaint myself better with the culture and details of what happened.

I find out more details about his parents, Caesar and Lyra, who were apparently beloved by everyone. They brought in a large amount of alliances and peace. His father was tough, but fair and very charismatic. He amassed quite a following, which makes sense as to why some of the “old guards” still wors



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