Pregnant With Alpha’s Genius Twins – Chapter 103

“Mimi!” Ian shouts, bursting through Victor’s back door. He had seen his grandmother through the window as he ran across the yard, his backpack slung over his shoulder. “Are you coming to our school today!?”

She laughs, bending down to look at her grandson. “Your school? What are you talking about?”

Alvin and Evelyn come through the kitchen door, Evelyn pressing it closed behind her. “We go to school here now, Mimi!” Alvin says, equally excited.

lyn, who nods and shrugs. “Victor and I decided to homeschool them for a f


a really good one,” Ian says, hefting his backpack up onto one of the high kitchen schools. “Someone who knows a lot

arissa on her way past her, heading for the coffee machine.

o a chair.


rissa points to her own half-full cup, sitting on the

coming in about ten minutes.”

Maybe he swallowed a pocket watch as a child, so he always knows the time.”

hs, charmed. “Yes, that’s right! I’d forgotten

g his own internal clock. “Would that work?”

hing. “Please, don’t try it.”

d on their credentials. Alvin leans over to help him formulate a plan.

ces a little, hoping Victor’s father and brother aren’t close

ut how they treated you at the wedding. It is unforgivable, but I hope that you will…well, perhaps give them another chance.”

e chance twice.”


ave for me, for the way that I live my life.”

a says, turning to the window. She gets a far-off look in her eyes that makes Evelyn

she could mean.

are both stuck, somehow, in a world well worth dismissing.” She turns her gaze to Evelyn. “Perhaps you can help me bring them into the twenty-first century.”

haul to get them here.”

You may be right. But I have to try.”

ext time I see them. I can give peace in this family another chance.”

at Evelyn fondly. “I do consider you very much a part of this family, my dear.”

f their heads turn as they hear slow footsteps on the stairs.

s her hands above her head as she yawns and totters into the kitchen, high heels already strapped to her feet. “Is there any coffee?”

yn says, going to get

g her nose. “No, that’s way too many extra calories.”

ns a bit but shrugs,

, looking over Bridgette with just a hint of distaste.

bering who she’s talking to. “Well. You know.”


ttle laugh. “Yeah, baby. A game.”


all business. “Hello, everyone,” he says, leaning down to give his mother a kiss on the cheek as he passes. “Mother.”

o the fridge. As long as it’s a peaceful one.

rs arrive?” Evelyn

one should be here in five minutes,” he answer

re going to have a chat.”

r to his office, allowing her to enter first. Burton is in there, dusting, but he gathers his supplies and h


s like, when I was growing up. People around all the time.”

difference when you have girls instead of boys in an Alpha family though.”

aps,” he says. “Though if I had daughters, I’m not sure I’

Evelyn says, stern. “It’s a horrible thing to do to girls, who already have so much against them in this world.”

ls up the files, Evelyn bites her lip, thinking.

and hums, inviting her to continue.

out Amelia?”

till for a moment, and then turns to her. “What do you mean?”

something…similar to Amelia…”

but Evelyn interrupts. “Not the same! But still, connected to a wedding, a betrayal…it was ver

“What are you getting at, Evelyn?”

She shrugs, looking down at her hands, knowing it’s a touchy subject. “Just that…when we were talking, just now, about it not being very easy for girls. It’s going to be very hard for her, as a Rogue. I’m sure she’ll find her feet, but…

what would you suggest is the alternative? Forgive her? Embrace her position of power within my pack?”

ple out there who have been declared Rogue, who either didn’t deserve it or who have reformed. And a lot of them just fall through the cracks, live horrible lives, for a mistake they made years ago.”

refully, an idea forming in his mind, sparked

er feet. You are right – there’s no reason to increase her suffering, if it’s just a matter of paperwork.”

orner of the door. “Sir? Madame? A Professor Tilt, here to see you regarding tutoring services.”

“Please send her in.”

buzzing with his new idea.

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