Pregnant With Alpha’s Genius Twins – Chapter 108

Our car ride home the next day is subdued. Ian stares out the window, a smile stuck on his face, clearly dreaming of Black Hawk helicopters and his future as a Navy SEAL. Alvin just naps. He loved our full tour this morning, of the barracks and the training courses. He didn’t have Ian’s full enthusiasm, but still had fun.

Victor and I don’t have much to say to one another. I keep stealing glances at him from the front seat, but he’s silent, his brow drawn low over his eyes. Thinking, clearly.

The rest of the evening was quiet and awkward after Edgar arrived. Victor had cleared his own throat, stood up quickly, and went inside with a brief goodnight.

ng between you two?” He asked, after I begged him to say something, anything.

rate for him to believe it. “Just…old drama. Kid stuff. We are…so n

xcusing himself and saying that he wanted to go to bed. I asked him to stay, trying to take his hand, but he had just said “Please, Evelyn,” and left.

ilty about it all, and


for the ride.

back at the house, it gets worse.


front of my father and brother. Can we do that?”


k and then steps out of the car.

ack door of the car and helps the boys out. I come around the front to stand next to him.

at me and the boys.

fact that he’s annoyed.

gry gaze. “I’ll just tell them about it anyway.”

this pack.”

e boys go white, staring at their grandfather. I p

e trash. There were other ways to go about it. Further, your handling of it – that public announcement at a charity ball –“ he scoffs. “Amateur, at best.”

lowly begins to shake his head at his father’s gall.

e us productively forward within our community. I’m putting my weight behind him, as the Alpha.”

t Rafe will be an easier puppet to control.”

otest, but his father interrupts, speaking for him. Rather proving Victor’s point, if you ask

jored i

in, louder this time. “He has no m

o real Alpha would snap his mouth shut because daddy held up his hand.”

he boys are getting up

y all you want. Offer Rafe as an alternative. We all know you can’t depose me without a fight. You have to actively prove that he’s better for the job. And considering that I have two heirs, and Rafe has none?” He shakes his head. “I don’t see what the competition even is.”

s and opens the door. “Baby!” He calls inside the house. “Would you come here for a moment?”

ad, and I can almost feel the same happening to Victo

says, looking up at me.


a vibrantly blue tube dress, barbie pink heels on her feet. “Yeah, honey?” she asks, draping herself all ove

says, leering at her.

h, you’re never gonna guess,” she says, smiling swee

our other news.”

She says, straightening up and

rods further, giving her a nudge with his elbow.

nt secret. “Can you believe it!?”

it shows there. Don’t let them see you squirm.

feel, somehow, that he got the message.

oint of debate. But honestly, I think Rafe’s rampant incompetence weighs more in the balance.”

fun and games.

to rule the pack, now and in perpetuity.”

ting to this, assured of his win. I clench my jaw, hoping we’re not falling into a trip

ally, that tests the skills of your Luna more than the Alpha. Important because the Luna is, after all, the second half of his whole.”

with triplets.

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