Pregnant With Alpha’s Genius Twins – Chapter 132

When Victor and Evelyn walk back into the campsite, him still leaning heavily on her shoulder, their family is waiting for them.

Ian and Alvin rush forward, throwing themselves into their parents’ arms.

“We’re so glad you’re okay,” Alvin whispers, his voice excited but edged with sleepiness.


doesn’t answer. It’s a complicated question.

eta team edging closer, all eager to hear the results of the trial.

. And where is Rafe?”


r flicks his head backwards, indicating the still-dark forest, though dawn is starting to light the sky. “He’s still out there, writhing in

o say more, but Victor interrupts him. “Rafe cheated. He sent a proxy in

ens his mouth, ready to declare a winner.

continues, “the final b


s a hand to indicate the whole trial, which she still thinks is ridiculous, “in the morning.”

wounded Betas from the woods.

takes Victor’s hand. With little resistance, he goes with her to their cabin. The boys quickly follow behind.

ves to be tucked into their blankets with little protest.

ankle, hissing as he eases off his boot and surveys the bruised and swollen flesh.

coming closer.

s his ankle tightly. When he finishes, Evelyn hands him two ibuprofen from the kit and half a mug of wine with which to wash them down.


rease the swelling. “You’ll see a doctor about it tomorrow?”

assent, Victor closes

Victor murmurs, dragging a frustrated h

ng we can’t handle,” Evelyn murmurs, taking the final sip of her wine and then lazily

nsidering they’d have to get through you three first,” he says, smiling and stroking her hair, “I think I’m in a pretty good spot.”


es herself up and puts out her hands to help him.

njured leg on the floor. “Go back to sleep.”

in says from across the room, rubbing his eyes. “We’r

, what time is it,” Evelyn murmurs, rubbing a hand over her sleepy head. “For four more hours of sleep, I’d give up the good stuff.”

for the world.

lready up!” he says, eager. “Look, there’s uncle Rafe!” Alvin joins him at the window, peering out to see their

s. “He’s pretty beat up.”

t to the bed and stretching. “You two will hear all about it soon enough, but your uncle did some very wicked things last night in the forest.” She gives them a stern look. “Your father will need your support today, but he will also need you to let him sort it out. So, no inte

greement. It’s their father’s fight, they know. And they have full confidence in him.

tor emerges. “Get dressed, boys,” she calls over her shoulder. “We’re going to the fire pit in five minutes

hing, pulling on fresh warm clothes, eager to see what happens next.

e will be in trouble for cheating?” Ian whispers.

sweater over his t-shirt. “They let him get away with it last time.”

rying to remember the language.

elivered the final

inces. “That doesn’t sound

ctical gear from the trial.

few minutes later, all dressed and as neat as they can be after four hours of sleep, the family leaves the cabin together.

ok, their mother’s confident stride. As one, the family takes to this new battlefield, determined to claim what is rightfully the

afe’s ravaged face. In his eyes, an equal determination burns.

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