Pregnant With Alpha’s Genius Twins – Chapter 135

When we arrive home very late that afternoon, everyone is exhausted, unloading themselves from the van with slumped shoulders and bleary eyes. Even the Betas who work to help us out are worn low, I see. When I step out of the van I’m glad to see fresh troupes coming to replace them.

I watch them, curious to see the fresh troupes exchange looks with their tired comrades, wanting to know, silently, who won the day. The Betas who were there in the forest with us give them small nods and smiles, and the Betas who were at home work hard to hide their happiness.

I work to contain my own joy as I witness this exchange, pleased to see that Victor’s troupes support him even when he’s not looking. I knew they were loyal, of course, but I admit that I’m pleased at the confirmation.

accepting his backpack fro

them to the cottage now,” Victor says, giving me a concerned look. “I can handle it up here. They’re tired

anding, but curious. “I want to help you first.”

hink is best.”

y suitcase, walk with the boys up the drive and into Victor’s house.

ly into the kitchen, slowly making some coffee and pretending to look through the fridge for some dinner.

nt to see what happens next.

undoubtedly given them to report, to organize, to protect.

stem, I am sure, but he will still be weak for days.

im go. I can’t quite bring myself to feel s

her stomach.

my voice friendly and cheerful. When she turns to look at me, I tilt my head towards the kitchen, beckoning he


you can do for him now anyway, and a coffee will do you good.”

t, she smiles at me in turn and follows me into the kitchen. I seat her at a stool and then pour her the first cup, adding lots of sugar and cream, the way I know she likes it.

p in both hands and raising it to her lips. Then, she hesitates and looks at me.

yes. “To drink coffee? When I’m pregnant?”

cup is fine. Some doctors say two, even.”

he nods, grateful, and then takes a sip, closing her eyes and savoring it. “God,” she breath

at her, even though she can’t see me, and pour myself a cup. There’s anot

I know it can’t be easy on her.

“Don’t tell Rafe, but I’m glad Victor won. I don’t want to be Luna of a big pack like this. I mean, I know Rafe wanted it, but…” She shakes her head, thinking about what it would be like.

t it won’t be on your shoulders.”

g tears. “I’m just scared…that Rafe is going to be so angry. I don’t know ho

rom my stomach, then. This, really, is why I wanted to stay at Victor’s big house instead of heading immediately for my own. Trust me, my bed is definitely ca

She is my friend but also, as Rafe’s fiancé and the soon-to-be mother of his children, a future Alpha woman in my pack and my sister-in-law. I owe her my support and I’m worried about how Rafe wi

my voice low.

o the room. She gives the two of us a smile and co

rissa takes her coffee black, I know, and so I prepare her cup that way. Surprising, I think, for such a gentle woman. But she has steel beneath this soft exterior, I think, smiling at her as I hand her the cup of co

ys gracefully, wrapping her hands around t

e, with the doctor, so…”

e up all night, and you deserve a rest.”

him, when the doctor goes,” Bridgette sa

dear,” Marissa says, placing a hand on hers. “L

esitating. “Well, if it’s the room next door. I’m sure that will be all right. I can hear him call, if he needs me”

rissa. “What are your plans? Have you made them yet?”


er shoulder, checking to make sure that Rafe didn’t hear her.


ng to be happy about it. But still, without knowing more, I can’t with good conscience let Rafe take Bridgette away like this.

ing her a bright smile and shrugging. “Just until you and Rafe figure out your next


ur other one is open. Let me know if you need anything.”

rissa big hugs, like the s

y with us at the moment. And I’d like some eyes on her for the next few weeks. Especially with the pregnancy.”

o,” I murmur


ting his hand in his pockets. “What did you

iss on the cheek. “Your father and I are turning in early,” she murmurs, heading for her room. “We’ll say goodbye before we leave tomorrow.”

then turns his gaze to me. I give him a big smile, not looking forward to this co

ing up my cup to him.

e merely crosses his arms o

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