Pregnant With Alpha’s Genius Twins – Chapter 137

The first few days in the cottage are chaotic, to say the least, but Victor honestly can’t remember a happier set of days in his life.

Every morning, he wakes with Evelyn in his arms to the sound of the twins pounding on the door, demanding to be let in.

Today, they’re particularly insistent.

licy!” They shout. “Unconstitutional!”

onstitution and rights,” Victor murmurs, “was it you?”

s all about freedom now.”

laughs with her, gett

nd school, as Evelyn and Victor drink coffee and exchange soft touches and passing glances.

as he kisses her on the cheek before going upstairs to get dressed.

And the night

t morning, the grass muddy and sticky with melted snow. He barely notices it,

her hips had flicked in that way that made him –


blinks, suddenly, fighting the smile that was making demands of his mouth. He’s at the back steps

he was going to do to her tonight…

d setting his shoulders back. Then, he climbs the steps up to his back deck and nods to the two Betas stationed at his back door. It was time to work.

ately, his day

irking at him over his bowl of cereal.

ictor!” Bri

grits his teeth as he looks at them. He understands Evelyn’s concern about Bridgette – he shares it, frankly. But god damnit, he can’t stand to lo

Uses it against him.

sure it’s far superior to whatever Evelyn can whip up in that cottage kitchen. Does she boil the water over an open fire?”

tor glares at Rafe, but decides to take the high road. “That would be amazing, Bridgette,” he says, looking at Rafe as he says it. “I would love a cup.”

ffice, intercepting Burton on his way. Burton falls in one step behind him, followed closely by Beta Stephen, report files tucked neatly under his a

oor and moves to his desk.

ew, when he had told him that he wouldn’t be coming to the cottage with the family. It was just too small to accommodate an extra p

time, healing, but I see no evidence of nefarious activity. I believe that he has been truly quelled by the results of the trial. The only time he perks up is when you arrive, Sir.”

tor an apologetic look. “I believe,” he continues, “that he enjoys getting a rise out of y

believe that she notices his cruel words, which I believe is to her benefit. But he does his best, at every turn, to demean her.”

unsurprised but not immune to his brother’s cruelty, the girl’s suffering. “Thank you, Burton,” he says, looking back down at his paperwork. “Evelyn and I will see what we can do about that. If there’s nothing els

steps forward.

e he begins.

team has reported some…disturbing action, on his part.”

n the document, but he wishes to hear it out loud. “Elaborate?”

Willard’s barracks. Surveying the troops.”

age in times of war. For Willard to show this kind of faith in Walsh…

ly allied,” Victor murmurs, looking up to Stephen for confirmation. The Beta nods.

’s what we suspect, sir.”

an assault on me.”

. He knows.

k to consider before he could turn to that.

m again.

ght. One to which you were not invited.”

n which he had not received, as well as a guest list and some further de

g to ask him to remove her names from his school in private, but quite another to cut him publicly like this.

mportantly, that Amelia’s name is on it.

o his Beta. “It was clever of you to see this, Stephen,” he says. “Many would not mark a party like this as important.”

can see the pride in his face.




es, closing the door behind him.


would bre


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