Pregnant With Alpha’s Genius Twins – Chapter 15

“Bed?!” I call out to the boys, surprised by their request. “It’s only…7 o’clock. You haven’t even had dinner!”

“Bed, bed!” the two boys shout, leaping to their feet and running around the pool. “Let’s go to bed!”

“Okay,” I say, shrugging. “Sorry Victor,” I say, turning to him. “Looks like the boys want to go home.”

ould have a sleepover!”

hey should s

and hopping around.

” I say, anxious. I walk over and reach out my arms to lift t

we’ll go to BED!” Shrieking with laughter, he and Alvin leap from the table and fly by me, running around the

tor shouts, authoritative, expecting them to obey. The boys ignore him, laughing harder, jumping over lounge chair

mom voice. It has no effect. I move towards the edge of the pool as they come around it, making a full circle. They’ll have to run right past me.

sing – reaching for Alvin’s arm –

nd steadying me.

elyn?” I gasp as Victor pulls me to him, holding me steady until I find my feet

e boys, avoiding eye contact as he holds me close. “Stilettos aren’t…pool friendly footwear, are they?”

y taking back his hands.

of the blue, from behind Victor I hear Ian sho

all into the water fully clothed.

of rage. I can’t believe they’ve done this.

y lost in the excitement of their game. I struggle to the side of the pool and support myself against the wall, trying to come up with a hasty plan to get them back in line, when I hear a roar.

hority over his pack. If he wasn’t soaking wet, he would be…terrifying.

l they each stand at his side, up to their shoulders in the water.

ing them still with absolute strength. “You boys,” he growls, “will le

my eyebrows, never having seen them so cowed.

odily out of the pool, setting them on the concrete where they stand silent and still. Then he pulls his sopping dress shirt off over his head, tossing it in a soggy pile o

better shape than he was five years ago, his supposed prime. His muscles move powerfully under the skin on his shoulders, his back, his stomach…

ng suddenly that I’ve been staring.

allow end, where I pull off my pumps and climb out.

making my way over to all three. “That was unacceptable. You owe Victor and I an apology while we think up your punishment.”

scuss it, why don’t you two go wash off all this chlorine in the shower,” I say, nodding my head at Victor’s fancy outdoor bathing area. God, he really does have everything.

no nonsense.” They obediently slow their gate.

t not usually this bad.”

eir age.”

ay, curious. “You’re so…controlled, now. I have trouble thinking of you as wild, impulsive.

ng an eyebrow at me. “I’d think that you, of all people, could maybe think of a time when I was…impulsive.” At this, his eyes wander down my body and I look down at myself,


is teeth, kidding.

e always tells it best.”

ves me a set of Amelia’s soft pink sweats and helps the boys into their pajamas while I change. When I return, all three are cuddled up in the middle of his California king.

riend’s clothes? I admit, I’m out of my element.

good story.”

good story?” Victor asks passively, stroking Ian’s hair.


uestions, and guess if it’s real or just a story,” Alvin adds, smiling with his eyes


ooking straight at me, “would you like to hear the real

s fly open. “YES

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